

实体框架的初始版本并没有在开发社区认为很好。开发商感到了一些东西被遗漏了,许多继续使用其他的ORM的,如的和 NHibernate的。好消息,然而,就是微软一直在努力对<工作href="http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2009/05/18/sneak-$p$pview-entity-framework-4-0-testability-improvements.aspx"相对=nofollow> 4.0版本实体框架,这将与它的许多修正带来的,其中的和 POCO 支持。许多人认为,实体框架的初始版本应该已包括这些功能;然而,这当然是令人欣慰地看到证据,证明实体框架团队已经解决了开发者社区表示关切。

The initial release of the Entity Framework wasn't regarded well in the development community. Developers felt a number of things were left out, and many continued to use other ORM's, such as LINQ To SQL and NHibernate. The good news, however, is that Microsoft has been hard at work on the 4.0 release of Entity Framework, which will bring with it many fixes, including lazy loading and POCO support. Many believed that the initial release of Entity Framework should have included these features; however, it is certainly comforting to see proof that the Entity Framework team has addressed concerns voiced by the developer community.

现在的Visual Studio 2010测试版2已经出来了几个星期,我一直想知道其他开发商如何看待实体框架的下一个版本。你有什么想法?

Now that Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 has been out for a few weeks, I've been wondering how other developers feel about the next release of Entity Framework. What are your thoughts?


I realize that some people still have negative feelings towards Entity Framework. When answering, the assumption should be that the readers know nothing about alternative ORM's. Please compare and contrast differences with other ORM's. Feel free to bring up areas where an alternative does something better. Also, feel free to mention areas that Entity Framework 4.0 excels.



Julie Lermann is doing a very good series of post on her blog recently that shows a lot of goodness about EF4.The best I think would be that you go through that blog and build yourself an opinion...



08-21 01:51