本文介绍了RESTful iPhone客户端和模型层次结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我很好奇你的大多数人采用什么策略,以便在模型层次结构中构建可靠的RESTful iPhone客户端。我的意思是模型层次结构是我有一个REST服务器,其中几个资源相互关联。例如,让我们说假设的目的我有一个REST服务器,它吐出关于学校的信息。如果我想抓住特定类中的所有学生,我首先需要向REST服务器查询学校的信息,然后我需要向服务器查询学校提供的所有类的信息,其次是随后请求特定课程中的所有学生。在一天结束时,客户端正在引入3个唯一的XML树。在这一点上,你们中的大多数人编写自己的算法,以构建最终的树,最终将成为你的数据源?你不是在这方面聚合XML树,而是使用不同的方法吗?

I'm curious what strategy most of you are employing in order to build solid RESTful iPhone clients in respect to model hierarchies. What I mean by model hierarchies is that I have a REST server in which several resources have a correlation to each other. For instance, let's say for hypothetical purposes I have a REST server which spits out information about a school. If I want to grab all the students in a particular class, I first need to query the REST server for information on the school, then I need to query the server for information on all of the classes the school has to offer, followed by a subsequent request for all students in a particular class. At the end of the day, the client is bringing in 3 unique XML trees. At that point, do most of you folks write your own algorithms in order to build the final tree which will end up being your data source? Do you not aggregate XML trees in this respect and instead use a different approach?


How do you prefer taking a myriad of related resources on the server and getting them into one tree that just makes sense onto the client?



How you choose to store manage your model data on the iPhone probably depends on how much the XML data you are dealing with is likely to vary, and how bloated it might get.


If this is a simple XML model that is unlikely to change, and doesn't carry terribly much redundant information with it, you might do well to just use the XML trees you describe as-is.


But for anything even slightly more complex, I prefer to translate XML representations into a format that is most easily manipulated by my Objective-C code. Consider for example the possibility that your application expands one day to support other web-based services that provide similar data, but as JSON or SOAP formatted data. Now you start to run into the headaches of maintaining 3 different types of models in your application, when it would be preferable to maintain just one.


I would treat the XML-based REST resources as "foreign data" that need to be massaged into a locally manipulatable format. If you adopt a local format that maximizes the ease of performing your app-specific operations, then you can adapt inputs from any other foreign format, and convert back to foreign formats as needed for uploads/edits/whatever.


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08-20 07:01