我发现CG似乎存在内存泄漏.我通过nvidia.com提交了报告,但是如果您尝试此操作,请此处 :
I'm finding CG appears to have a memory leak. I submitted a report via nvidia.com, but if you try this here:
If you remove the line that says
cgD3D11SetTextureParameter( g.theTexture, g.sharedTex ) ;
CG 3.0确实泄漏了吗?
Does CG 3.0 really leak?
使用ATI Radeon 5850 GPU/Windows 7 64位.
Using ATI Radeon 5850 GPU / Windows 7 64-bit.
是的,它泄漏了.在内部,它在每次调用时都创建一个ShaderResourceView,并且从不释放它.我认为该API设计不当,他们应该将ShaderResourceView *作为此函数的参数,而不仅仅是Resource *.
Yes, it leaks. Internally it creates a ShaderResourceView on every call, and never releases it. I think the API is ill-designed, they should have taken a ShaderResourceView* as a parameter to this function, instead of just a Resource*.
I posted about this on nvidia forums about 6 months ago and never got a response
Is your report posted publicly? Or some kind of private support ticket?
这篇关于CG 3.0会泄漏吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!