


I have looked at answers to similar problems and I'm still confused.


我有一个正在工作的项目,但是我试图在Xcode 8.3.1中重新创建它.我首先使用具有一个依赖项的Swift软件包管理器:[.Package(url:" https://github .com/OpenKitten/MongoKitten.git ,majorVersion:3)].然后,我按照我的笔记将可可转换为iOS(因为SPM不直接支持iOS),该项目在上一个项目开始时就起作用了:

I had a project working, but I'm trying to recreate it in Xcode 8.3.1. I start by using the Swift Package Manager with one dependency: [.Package(url: "https://github.com/OpenKitten/MongoKitten.git", majorVersion: 3)]. I then follow my notes to convert from Cocoa to iOS (because SPM doesn't directly support iOS) that worked in previous project starts:

  1. 启动Package.swift文件
  2. swift包generate-xcodeproj
  3. 在Xcode中打开项目
  4. 项目:构建设置:基本SDK ==>更改为IOS
  5. 编辑器:添加目标:(iOS ...单视图应用程序)
  6. 选择您的项目,查看目标列表,找到您新添加的目标:常规:部署信息
  7. 在工具栏上,更改活动方案"


Everything seems fine, and my project includes MongoKitten and a bunch of other frameworks that it relies on. One of which is called "CLibreSSL". I added all of the frameworks as targets to my newly created target.



I can "Import MongoKitten" into my viewcontroller (with autocomplete working). However, when I compile, I get this error message (even though I personally did not try to Import CLibreSSL):

Compile Swift source files
[... bunch of stuff referring to my new target and the viewcontroller ...]
<unknown>:0: error: missing required module 'CLibreSSL'


I cannot "Import CLibreSSL" into my viewcontroller (no autocomplete recognition). I notice that when I go to the MongoKitten-related source files, they do recognize CLibreSSL successfully in their import statements. I can even delete them and retype with successful autocompletion.



I realize I probably need to do something additional when I make a new target like I did, and it probably has something to do with the search paths, but I've tried a lot of stuff and the result has not changed. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this (and please don't assume too much knowledge on my part as I find this stuff confusing)?


Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you


按照user3441734的建议添加"Other Swift Flags"构建设置已为我修复.依赖CLibreSSL模块的库(在我的情况下为OpenCloudKit)可以找到它似乎很奇怪,但是导入OpenCloudKit的我的应用程序离不开帮助.作为参考,我的嵌套在导入到我的应用程序中的SPM生成的Xcode项目(名为"Dependencies")中,构建设置为-Xcc -fmodule-map-file=$(SRCROOT)/Dependencies/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug/CLibreSSL.build/module.modulemap.请注意,这似乎有点脆弱,因为它的文件名中硬编码了一个macOS版本,并且我认为如果将其更新为更高版本,它可能会中断.另外请注意,在我的情况下,不需要搜索路径"构建设置,仅需要其他快捷路径"设置.

Adding the "Other Swift Flags" build setting as suggested by user3441734 fixed it for me. It seems odd that the library (in my case OpenCloudKit) that depends on the CLibreSSL module can find it, but my app that imported OpenCloudKit can't without help. For reference , mine was nested in a SPM-generated Xcode project (named "Dependencies") imported into my app and the build setting was -Xcc -fmodule-map-file=$(SRCROOT)/Dependencies/.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug/CLibreSSL.build/module.modulemap. Note that this seems a bit fragile because it has a macOS version hard-coded into the file name and I assume that could break if it's updated to a later version. Also note that the Search Paths build setting was NOT needed in my case, only the Other Swift Paths setting.


06-29 11:48