

我有一些新的Java代码(使用Apache commons http库)和旧的(严格使用java 1.4 API),并尝试使用较新的apache commons库重写旧代码。然而,它不起作用,我正在努力找出原因。请求正在发送,但我的新代码在我无法访问的接收服务器上超时。由于旧代码有效,我必须搞砸http请求。使用某种HTTP流量嗅探器来检查发送的内容是非常有用的,这样我就能看出它们之间存在什么差异。

I have some java code both new (using Apache commons http libraries) and old (strictly using java 1.4 API) and am trying to rewrite the old code using the newer apache commons libraries. However, it isn't working and I'm struggling to find out why. The requests are being sent, but my newer code times out on the receiving server which I don't have access to. Since the old code works, I must have mucked up the http request. It would be very useful to use some sort of HTTP traffic sniffer to examine exactly what is being sent so I can see what differences there are.


I've downloaded a few http sniffers from the web (this one and that one) but neither capture any of the http data being sent by my java code (but they do work when I send random requests from a browser). Any ideas out there on how I can get my hands on this data?




It's great, free, open-source, cross-platform, and can highlight different network layers, and it's not running from some dubious website that looks like SEO spam.


Snort is another good one, but it's more geared toward intrusion detection and automated responses to that. Still, it has a great sniffer.


08-27 07:05