本文介绍了对SAN进行碎片整理的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 SAN是否真的需要进行碎片整理。如果是这样,保持峰值性能的最佳方法是什么? Is it true that a SAN does not need to be defragmented. If so what is the best way to keep peak performance?推荐答案 不,SAN 需要进行碎片整理。No, a SAN does needs to be defragmented.许多SAN供应商提供的工具可以优化 SAN环境,但物理磁盘是SAN基于未解决 - 需要单独进行碎片整理。Many SAN vendors provide tools with which to optimize the SAN enveironment, but the physical disks that the SAN is based on are not addressed -- these need to be defragmented separately. 碎片整理The defrag of a SAN needs to be properly configured to ensure maximum performance gain for the entire system including the physical disks the SAN is based on, as improper defrag may hinder SAN operations.这是一些有关如何实现这一目标的信息:Here is some info on how this is best accomplished:  SAN Defrag的最佳做法:Best Practices for SAN Defrag: http://www.diskeeper.com/blog/post/2011 /03/29/Best-Practices-SAN-defrag.aspx   WIndows IT Pro white关于SAN碎片整理的论文:WIndows IT Pro white paper on SAN defrag: http://www.diskeeper.com/blog/post/2010/07/09/New-WIndows-IT-Pro-white-paper-on-SAN-defrag。 aspx   博客文章 - Defrag SAN,Defrag VMware,Defrag Hyper-V?你应该读这个...... Blog post -- Defrag SAN, Defrag VMware, Defrag Hyper-V? You should read this... http://www.diskeeper.com/blog/post/2010/02/26/Defrag-SAN-Defrag-VMware-Defrag-Hyper- V-You-should-read-this.aspx   Ziff-Davis enterprise:为什么今天需要进行SAN碎片整理:Ziff-Davis enterprise: Why SAN Defragmentation is Needed Today: http:// downloads。 diskeeper.com/pdf/SAN-defrag-by-Ziff-Davis-Enterprise.pdf   制作东西更简单的是,Diskeeper为SAN连接的服务器提供了预先配置的Diskeeper。在这里了解它:To make things simpler, Diskeeper provides a pre-configured Diskeeper for SAN-attached servers. Learn about it here: http://www.diskeeper。 com / business / diskeeper / server / default.aspx   希望这会有所帮助。 Bill R TechSpec Bill R TechSpec .. 这篇关于对SAN进行碎片整理的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-12 01:57