I am initializing a datetimepicker as
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#meeting_datetime").datetimepicker({format: 'LLLL', stepping: 5, enabledHours: [], daysOfWeekDisabled: []}).prop('disabled', true);
Now I would like to enable this datetimepicker and limit the possible selection dynamically depending on user input. I call this function everytime the user changes certain other selections
$("#meeting_datetime").datetimepicker({defaultDate: tomorrowsDate, format: 'LLLL', enabledHours: meeting_time_moment.hours(), stepping: 5, daysOfWeekDisabled: weekday_unchecked_value}).prop('disabled', false);
此函数唯一有效的方面是最后的disable false语句。 datetimepicker确实可以编辑。但是,daysOfWeekDisabled函数根本不起作用。我输入的是这样
The only aspect of this function which works is the disable false statement at the end. The datetimepicker does indeed become editable. However, the daysOfWeekDisabled function doesn't work at all. I am inputting something like this
weekday_unchecked_value = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
when I do this in the initialization step (first code snipped on the top), it works fine, but the update does not seem to work. Is there a refresh function or anything? I had a look at the docs (https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/), but I couldn't find it...
I found the solution... just use the functions instead
it seems to me that there should be an easier way, but this is quick and works fine...