本文介绍了PowerShell Internet Explorer自动化错误服务器2012的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a PowerShell script that logs into one of our sites, clicks some links then closes. Basically just to monitor and make sure everything works ok! below is a snippet from the top of the script.

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$ie.visible = $true
while( $ie.busy){Start-Sleep 1}
$doc = $ie.document
$continue = $doc.getElementByID("overridelink")
while( $ie.busy){Start-Sleep 1}

基本上,此部分打开IE,然后单击继续"按钮以显示证书错误.如果我在Windows 7机器上运行此程序,则可以正常工作,但是在Server 2012 R2上,我会得到:

Basically this section opens IE and clicks continue button for certificate error. If i run this on my windows 7 machine it works fine, however on Server 2012 R2 i get:


台式机和服务器均运行PowerShell 4.0和Internet Explorer 11.

Both desktop and server are running PowerShell 4.0 and Internet explorer 11.


I read something a while back that mentioned this may be a bug in 2012 where it doesn't allow this method to click links in IE but cant remember where and if there was a fix!


Does anyone know what causes this and maybe how to resolve it?


another thing i was thinking(if anyone can be bothered to explain!), should i be using invoke-webrequest instead? if so is it possible to log into a site, open some links(doesn't have to be visible on screen) then close confirming it all works?


Thanks in advance for any input!


只需启用Internet Explorer企业模式.

Just enable the Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode.

在Internet Explorer中,按"ALT"键,转到工具">企业模式".

In Internet Explorer, Press "ALT" key, go to Tools > Enterprise Mode.

如果企业模式不可用:•启动GPEDIT.MSC•转到用户配置">管理模板">"Windows组件">"Internet Explorer">使用户打开并使用工具"菜单中的企业模式"•已启用

If Enterprise Mode is not available:•Launch GPEDIT.MSC•Go to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Let users turn on and use Enterprise Mode from the Tools menu•enabled


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07-29 15:24