

aws中的EBS volume以外的卷是否有其他类型?

Are there different type of a volume other than EBS volume in aws?

我看到了一个术语EBS volume,但似乎没有回想起提到的任何其他volume.

I see a term EBS volume but don't seem to recall any other volume mentioned.


Also, EBS is just a name for their volume?


EBS - volume
Hard - disk



In terms of volumes for AWS that I know of there are two:

  1. EBS卷.这些是EC2实例的托管驱动器.您可以启动它们,对其快照并在计算机之间移动它们. EBS的数量有两种:标准和PIOPS.两者之间的计费以及它们的性能特征略有不同.与临时卷不同,写入EBS的数据是持久的.您可以通过多种方式创建EBS驱动器.
  2. 星历.这些是与EC2实例一起使用的卷.如果EC2实例关闭或移动,则您写入它们的所有内容都会丢失.
  1. EBS Volumes. These are managed drives for your EC2 instances. You can boot off them, snapshot them, and move them between machines. EBS volumes come in two flavors: Standard and PIOPS. The billing between the two is slightly different, as are their performance characteristics. Unlike Ephemeral volumes the data written to EBS is durable. You can create EBS drives in a number of ways.
  2. Ephemeral Volumes. These are volumes that come-and-go along with your EC2 instance. Anything you write to them will be lost if the EC2 instance is shutdown or moved.


AWS has a number of other storage offerings (RDS, S3, DynamoDB, Glacier) but they're not focused on offering products that act like hard disks.


10-15 15:41