我有一个使用命名空间的 3rd 方库,我想添加到供应商目录中.由于某些原因,我不能为此库使用作曲家.使用 ClassLoader 的 add 方法添加它对我不起作用(找不到类").详情:
I have a 3rd party lib using namespaces I would like to add to the vendor directory. For certain reasons I can't use composer for this lib. Adding it using the add method of ClassLoader does not work for me ("class not found"). In Detail:
我使用的是 Symfony 2.1.7.
I am using Symfony 2.1.7.
// app/autoload.php
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;
$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Example', realpath(__DIR__.'/../vendor/example/src'));
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));
return $loader;
Directory structure in the vendor directory:
namespace Example;
class Foo {
Using it in my controller:
$bar = new \Example\Foo();
未找到类 'Example\Foo'
我的错误在哪里?和/或:在 Symfony 2.1 中调试此问题的最佳方法是什么?
Where is my mistake? And/or: What's the best way to debug this issue in Symfony 2.1?
目录结构错误.UniversalClassLoader(在 Symfony
The directory structure is wrong. Both UniversalClassLoader (used in Symfony < 2.1) and Composer's ClassLoader (used in Symfony 2.1) implement the PSR-0 autoloader standard. This standard requires that the files with the namespaces cannot be in the root directory, and must be created under a minimum of one directory.
//在 autoload.php 中
// in autoload.php
// Symfony 2.1 using Composer's ClassLoader
$loader->add('Example', realpath(__DIR__.'/../vendor/example/example/src'));
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