



    的.config(['$ routeProvider','$ locationProvider','$ httpProvider',
        功能($ routeProvider,$ locationProvider,$ httpProvider){            $ routeProvider.when('/',
                templateUrl:意见/ home.html做为',
            $ routeProvider.when('/登录,
                templateUrl:意见/ login.html的,
            });            $ routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo:'/ 404'});
            $ locationProvider.html5Mode(真);            //通过重定向到登录页面处理未授权的请求
            $ httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(
                ['$的位置,$ Q',函数($位置,$ Q){
                    }                    功能错误(响应){
                        如果(response.status === 401){
                            $ location.path('/登录');
                            返回$ q.reject(响应);
                            返回$ q.reject(响应);
                    }                    复位功能(承诺){
                }]);        }])
    .RUN(['$ rootScope','$的位置,验证,函数($ rootScope,$位置,验证){        $ rootScope。在$($ routeChangeStart功能(事件,接下来,电流){
            $ rootScope.error = NULL;
                $ location.path('/');
                $ location.path('/登录');
        });    }]);




我的实现也是基于一个拦截器检查401它有$ rootScope的依赖,并设置属性needsLogin为true。页面模板有登录模式窗口时可见 needsLogin ===真正并隐藏了NG-观点(这是重要的,因为新的路径已被加载但却忽略其数据)。最后,在全成登录,登录控制器是否 $ route.reload(),然后设置 $ rootScope.needsLogin = FALSE


 < D​​IV ID =主角色=主NG-秀=needsLogin ===假>
    < D​​IV NG-视图>< / DIV>
< / DIV>< D​​IV NG秀=needsLogin ===真正的NG-包括='意见/ login.html的'级=叠加>< / DIV>


 函数LoginCtrl($范围,$ rootScope,$路径,$ HTTP){    $ scope.login =功能(){
        $ http.post(/ *不知做你的登录* /)
                VAR DEREGISTER = $ rootScope。在$('$ routeChangeSuccess',函数(){
                    $ rootScope.needsLogin = FALSE;
                $ route.reload();
                / *处理错误* /

$ route.reload()不是一个完整的页面刷新,它只是重新初始化路线(控制器/视图等)。我们希望,这是之前拒绝了呼叫,将再次运行和页面将被罚款。

I'm trying to implement basic authentication routing in AngularJS. I have a model that has a authorize method that returns a promise. I want the routing to wait until that authorize function has returned true or false to continue, once that has completed it should resume the path or redirect the user to the login page.

I think essentially i need to stop routing, call that method and then resume or redirect to login. Below is the code I have so far but i'm not sure how to accomplish the pause/resume. Any ideas?

return angular.module('d', ['ngCookies', 'ngRoute'])
    .config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider',
        function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider) {

                templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
                controller: 'HomeCtrl'
                templateUrl: 'views/login.html',
                controller: 'LoginCtrl'

            $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/404' });

            // handle unauthorized requests by redirecting to login page
                ['$location', '$q', function ($location, $q) {
                    function success(response) {
                        return response;

                    function error(response) {
                        if (response.status === 401) {
                            return $q.reject(response);
                        else {
                            return $q.reject(response);

                    return function (promise) {
                        return promise.then(success, error);

    .run(['$rootScope', '$location', 'Auth', function ($rootScope, $location, Auth) {

        $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function (event, next, current) {
            $rootScope.error = null;


Your solution is very similar to a prototype I wrote a while back.

The idea is that whenever you "touch" the server and get an authentication error, a modal window pops-up asking for a login without changing the URL (you let it change to the new URL and stay there).

My implementation was also based on an interceptor checking for 401. It has a dependency on $rootScope and sets a property "needsLogin" to true. The page template has the login modal window visible when needsLogin === true and hides the ng-view (this is important since the new route has been loaded but it misses its data). Finally, upon successfull login, the login controller does the $route.reload() and then sets $rootScope.needsLogin = false.

Small snippets:

<div id="main" role="main" ng-show="needsLogin === false">
    <div ng-view></div>

<div ng-show="needsLogin === true" ng-include="'views/login.html'" class="overlay"></div>

The login controller can be something like:

function LoginCtrl($scope, $rootScope, $route, $http) {

    $scope.login = function () {
        $http.post( /* Somehow do your login */ )
            .success(function () {
                var deregister = $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function () {
                    // hide login / show ng-view after route has been reloaded
                    $rootScope.needsLogin = false;
            .error(function () {
                /* handle errors */

$route.reload() is not a full page refresh, it merely re-initializes the route (controller/view etc). Hopefully, the call that was rejected before will run again and the page will be fine.


08-26 00:58