本文介绍了$(美元)和$美元之间有什么区别? (美元感叹号)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



到目前为止我还没有看到 $!的使用,但是在浏览Haskell 时,我注意到它的存在,并且它具有与 $ 。在Haskell解释器中尝试一些简单的语句时(),我找不到任何在搜索 haskell tutorial 时,我也无法在顶部列出的教程中找到对运算符的任何参考。



($! )是严格的函数应用程序。也就是说,它在评估函数之前评估参数。

这与Haskell中正常的懒惰函数应用相反,例如, fx f $ x ,它首先开始评估函数 f x

例如 succ(1 + 2)会通过创建一个thunk来延迟添加 1 + 2 ,并开始评估 succ首先。只有当需要succ的参数时,才会评估 1 + 2

然而,如果您知道确保一个函数的参数总是需要的,你可以使用($!),它首先将参数计算为弱头标准形式,然后输入函数。这样,你不会创建一大堆thunk,这可以更有效率。在这个例子中, succ $! 1 + 2 首先计算 3 ,然后输入函数 succ


  ghci> const 1(错误noo!)
ghci> const 1 $! (错误noo!)

Can anybody explain the difference in Haskell between the operators ($) and ($!) (dollar sign vs dollar sign exclamation point)?

I haven't seen the use of $! anywhere so far, but while browsing through the Haskell reference, I noticed its existence and that it has the exact same definition as $. When trying some simple statements in a Haskell interpreter (GHCi), I couldn't find any difference, nor could I find any reference to the operator in the top listed tutorials when searching for haskell tutorial.

So, just out of curiosity, what is the difference, if at all?


($!) is strict function application. That is, it evaluates the argument before evaluating the function.

This is contrary to normal lazy function application in Haskell, e.g. f x or f $ x, which first start to evaluate the function f, and only compute the argument x if it is needed.

For example succ (1 + 2) will delay the addition 1 + 2 by creating a thunk, and start to evaluate succ first. Only if the argument to succ is needed, will 1 + 2 be evaluated.

However, if you know for sure that the argument to a function will always be needed, you can use ($!), which will first evaluate the argument to weak head normal form, and then enter the function. This way, you don't create a whole big pile of thunks and this can be more efficient. In this example, succ $! 1 + 2 would first compute 3 and then enter the function succ.

Note that it is not always safe to just replace normal function application with strict function application. For example:

ghci> const 1 (error "noo!")
ghci> const 1 $! (error "noo!")
*** Exception: noo!

这篇关于$(美元)和$美元之间有什么区别? (美元感叹号)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 20:15