


I am trying to use ehcache cache. For two different user my webservice creates different cache which is acting like session. Can i create single cache which will work same as context concept


实例化EhCache CacheManager时(这是获取缓存的第一步)每个EhCache API都有几个选项:

When instantiating an EhCache CacheManager (which is the first step in getting a reference to a Cache object) you have several options per EhCache APIs:

  1. 传统对象构造函数:new CacheManager()。如API页面中所述,此方法不能用作单例。调用者必须维护对其的引用。

  2. 静态构造函数:CacheManager.create()。这种创建方法确实充当单例,这意味着您可以为每个请求或会话调用CacheManager.create(),并且它将始终返回相同的CacheManager。


Since you haven't provided any detail on your implementation, I can only suppose that you are (knowingly or not) creating a new CacheManager object (http://ehcache.org/apidocs/net/sf/ehcache/CacheManager.html) per service request or session...and that would explain the behavior you're noticing.

如果您使用单例概念创建CacheManager(方法2),则确实可以创建单个CacheManager +获得对可以跨线程(请求,会话等)访问的Cache对象的单个引用

If you were using the singleton concept for creating the CacheManager (method 2), you would indeed create a single CacheManager + get a single reference to a Cache object that can be access accross threads (requests, sessions, etc ...)


09-23 16:51