




公众诠释BUSNO {搞定;组; }
公众的DateTime银泰{搞定;组; }
公众的DateTime OutTime {搞定;组; }


排序字典永远排序上的键,所以没有办法因此它们在其他的键的任何排序,重新安排它的数据。你可以做的是获取数据到另一个结构(某种 IOrderedEnumerable ),在那里他们可以在其他的事情进行排序的关键。


  VAR sortedValues​​ = dictionary.Values .OrderBy(busDetail => busDetail.InTime); 

将工作和sortedValues​​的类型将是 IOrderedEnumerable< BusDetail>

  VAR sortedElements = dictionary.OrderBy (KVP => kvp.Value.InTime); 

这将返回一个 IOrderedEnumerable< KeyValuePair< INT,BusDetail>>
您可以在的foreach 其中任何两个集合的,或者你可以将它们绑定到网格的数据源。

I have a SortedDictionary, the key is a int value and the matching value to each key is a class object. The class contains a int and a two datetime variable.

I need to sort my SortedDictionary based on the InTime datetime in my class. So that when I do a foreach to loop through my SortedDictionary I will have them sorted based on datetime.

Is this possible? How can I achieve it?

enter code here
 class Busdetail
        public int BusNo { get; set; }
        public DateTime InTime { get; set; }
        public DateTime OutTime { get; set; }

Sorted Dictionary will always sort on the key, so there is no way to re-arrange it's data so they are sorted on anything other that the key. What you can do is get the data into another structure (some kind of IOrderedEnumerable) where they can be sorted on things other that the key.

If you want to discard the keys and just get the values then

var sortedValues = dictionary.Values.OrderBy(busDetail => busDetail.InTime);

will work, and the type of sortedValues will be IOrderedEnumerable<BusDetail>.If you still need to keep both the keys and values, you could do:

var sortedElements = dictionary.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value.InTime);

which will return a IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, BusDetail>>.You can that foreach on any of these two collections, or you could bind them to a grid's datasource.


10-15 05:55