本文介绍了文件扩展名后的空格 - >怪异的FileInfo行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


不知怎的,一个文件已经出现在我的目录之一,它有空间在其延伸的末端 -它的名字是的test.txt。奇怪的是, Directory.GetFiles()我返回此路径文件,但我无法检索与 FileInfo的文件信息类。

Somehow a file has appeared in one of my directories, and it has space at the end of its extension -its name is "test.txt ". The weird thing is that Directory.GetFiles() returns me the path of thisfile, but I'm unable to retrieve file information with FileInfo class.


DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("c:\\somedir");
FileInfo fi = di.GetFileSystemInfos("test*")[0] as FileInfo;
//correctly fi.FullName is "c:\somedir\test.txt "
//but fi.Exists==false (!)


Is FileInfo class broken? Can I somehow retrieve information about this file? I really don't know how did that file appear on my file system, and I am unable to recreate some more of them.


All of my attempts to create a new file with this type of extension have failed, but now my program iscrashing when encoutering it. I can easily handle the exception when finding the file, but boy am Icurious about this!



从MSDN 命名的文件,路径和命名空间(Windows)中

  • 请不要结束一个文件或目录名用空格或句点。虽然底层的文件系统可以支持这样的名称,Windows外壳程序和用户界面没有。


问题可能会出现。在code删除尾随空格和句号,不进行和Macintosh用户获取正确穿插文件名。在Win32 API的用FindFirstFile() FindNextFile()返回,在一个空间或在一段结尾的文件名;然而,没有办法来创建或使用Win32 API打开该文件。

的DirectoryInfo 可能使用用FindFirstFile()和朋友产生目录列表。 File.Exists 是最有可能通过实施GetFileAttributes()这可能是由同一个问题遭受的的CreateFile()键,将报告不存在的文件。

DirectoryInfo probably uses FindFirstFile() and friends to produce directory listings. File.Exists is most likely implemented through GetFileAttributes() which probably suffers from the same problem as CreateFile() and will report a nonexistent file.


Hence, not a problem in .NET specifically, but in Windows itself.

这篇关于文件扩展名后的空格 - >怪异的FileInfo行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 07:58