


I am working in swift, I want to refresh a page so I am sending it using notification, I am posting a notification in one ViewController and adding observer in another and it is working perfectly. What I want to do is add unit test to it in swift. I checked many sites but was not able to do it. I am new to swift and don't know where to start.


Basically the working is, when i click the button notification is posted and when the next view controller is loaded the notification observer is added.




NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("notificationName", object: nil)


NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "vvv:",name:"notificationName", object: nil)



The general solution is: Use dependency injection (DI) to make your components unit-testable. You can choose use a DI framework (I don't know if there is any good framework for Swift exists yet) or use native approach (i.e. pass object around)

一个你的问题的可能方法是包装 NSNotificationCenter 使其成为可模拟/可注射的。

One possible approach for your problem is to wrap NSNotificationCenter to make it mockable/injectable.


This is just a basic idea how you can decouple dependencies. Please don't just copy & paste the code below and expect it to work without understanding it.

import Foundation

protocol NotificationCenter {
    func postNotificationName(name: String, object: AnyObject?)

    // you can make it take the arguments as NSNotificationCenter.addObserver
    func addObserver(callback: AnyObject? -> Void)

class MyNotificationCenter : NotificationCenter {
    var _notificationCenter: NSNotificationCenter

    init(_ center: NSNotificationCenter) {
        _notificationCenter = center

    func postNotificationName(name: String, object: AnyObject?) {
        // call NSNotificationCenter.postNotificationName

    func addObserver(callback: AnyObject? -> Void) {
        // call NSNotificationCenter.addObserver

class MockNotificationCenter : NotificationCenter {
    var postedNotifications: [(String, AnyObject?)] = []
    var observers: [AnyObject? -> Void] = []

    func postNotificationName(name: String, object: AnyObject?) {
        postedNotifications.append((name, object))

    func addObserver(callback: AnyObject? -> Void) {

class MyView {
    var notificationCenter: NotificationCenter

    init(notificationCenter: NotificationCenter) {
        self.notificationCenter = notificationCenter

    func handleAction() {
        self.notificationCenter.postNotificationName("name", object: nil)

class MyController {
    var notificationCenter: NotificationCenter

    init(notificationCenter: NotificationCenter) {
        self.notificationCenter = notificationCenter

    func viewDidLoad() {
        self.notificationCenter.addObserver {

// production code
// in AppDeletate.applicationDidFinishLaunching
let notificationCenter = MyNotificationCenter(NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter())

// pass it to your root view controller
let rootViewController = RootViewController(notificationCenter: notificationCenter)
// or
rootViewController.notificationCenter = notificationCenter

// in controller viewDidLoad
self.myView.notificationCenter = self.notificationCenter

// when you need to create controller
// pass notificationCenter to it
let controller = MyController(notificationCenter: notificationCenter)

// in unit test

func testMyView() {
    let notificationCenter = MockNotificationCenter()
    let myView = MyView(notificationCenter: notificationCenter)
    // do something with myView, assert correct notification is posted
    // by checking notificationCenter.postedNotifications

func testMyController() {
    let notificationCenter = MockNotificationCenter()
    let myController = MyController(notificationCenter: notificationCenter)
    // assert notificationCenter.observers is not empty
    // call it and assert correct action is performed


08-03 20:08