I am trying download zip file to SD card. I download it correctly, but when I open downloaded file (with ZipFile) I get this ZipException ("Central Directory Entry not found").
Internet-file is okay, SD-copy-file is okay (from PC opened and show files correctly), but for some reason don't work in Android.
BufferedInputStream stream = null;
try {
stream = new BufferedInputStream(is, 8192);
尝试{ ByteArrayBuffer BAF =新ByteArrayBuffer(50); INT电流= 0; 而((电流= stream.read())!= - 1) baf.append((字节)电流);
try { ByteArrayBuffer baf = new ByteArrayBuffer(50); int current = 0; while ((current = stream.read()) != -1 ) baf.append((byte) current);
的BufferedOutputStream FOS =新的BufferedOutputStream(新的FileOutputStream(路径)); fos.write(baf.toByteArray()); fos.close();}...
BufferedOutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path)); fos.write(baf.toByteArray()); fos.close();}...
我supossed这个问题是在ZIP文件头,这是不正确写的,但我不知道出于什么原因,确实。 Ç的ZipEntry类的源$ C $显示我:
I supossed that the problem is in the ZIP file headers, which was not properly written, but I do not know for what reason. The source code ZipEntry class shows me this:
long sig = (hdrBuf[0] & 0xff) | ((hdrBuf[1] & 0xff) < < 8) |
((hdrBuf[2] & 0xff) < < 16) | ((hdrBuf[3] < < 24) & 0xffffffffL);
if (sig != CENSIG) {
throw new ZipException("Central Directory Entry not found");
Auto-answer: The problem was that HTTP request use Accept-Encoding: gzip.
服务器返回的信息已经融为一体pressed文件并下载,DECOM preSS它,去掉头部的一部分。
The server returned an already compressed file and download it, decompress it, removing part of the header.
Unfortunately, 7zip opened correctly (probably, not check headers), but Android not open file (probably, check headers).
In short: Be careful, and check correctly file-encoding with some files.