


I want to analyse a field of 100 character length and estimate similarity %. For example, for a same question "Whats your opinion on smartphone?",

人员A: 浪费钱的最佳方法"

人员B: 很棒的东西.让您一直保持联系"

人员C: 浪费时间和金钱的仪器"

其中,仅通过匹配单个单词,A和C听起来相似.我试图做这样的事情,从 R 开始,然后扩展到匹配最佳",最佳方式",最佳方式浪费"等词语的组合.我是新手文本分析和R,无法正确地命名这些方法,从而无法有效地进行搜索.

Out of these, just by matching individual words, A and C sound similar. I am trying to do something like this to start with in R and later on extend to match combination of words like "Best", "Best way", "Best way waste" etc. I am newbie to text analysis and R and could not get the proper naming of these methods to search effectively.


Please guide me with your inputs and references. Thanks In Advance



Here is a potential solution for manually looking at percent similarity.

a <- "Best way to waste money"
b <- "Amazing stuff. lets you stay connected all the time"
c <- "Instrument to waste money and time"

format <- function(string1){ #removing the information from the string which presumably isn't important (punctuation, capital letters. then splitting all the words into separate strings)
  lower <- tolower(string1)
  no.punct <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", lower)
  split <- strsplit(no.punct, split=" ")

a <- format(a)
b <- format(b)
c <- format(c)

sim.per <- function(str1, str2, ...){#how similar is string 1 to string 2. NOTE: the order is important, ie. sim.per(b,c) is different from sim.per(c,b)
  sim <- length(intersect(str1[[1]], str2[[1]]))#intersect function counts the common strings
  total <- length(str1[[1]])
  per <- sim/total

sim.per(b, c)


I hope that helps! To search for combinations of words you would have to do some more wizardry. I guess try and make an edit to show exactly what you're looking for and you might have more luck with an answer!

作为参考,请查看Gaston Sanchez的在R中处理和处理字符串",这很棒.

As for references, check out "Handling and Processing Strings in R" by Gaston Sanchez, it's great.


08-13 19:36