


I gather Text documents (in Node.js) where one document i is represented as a list of words.What is an efficient way to compute the similarity between these documents, taking into account that new documents are coming as a sort of stream of documents?


I currently use cos-similarity on the Normalized Frequency of the words within each document. I don't use the TF-IDF (Term frequency, Inverse document frequency) because of the scalability issue since I get more and more documents.

我的第一个版本是从当前可用的文档开始,计算一个大的Term-Document矩阵A,然后计算S = A^T x A,以使S(i, j)为(在通过norm(doc(i))norm(doc(j))归一化之后)单词频率分别为doc(i)doc(j)的文档ij之间的cos相似性.

My first version was to start with the currently available documents, compute a big Term-Document matrix A, and then compute S = A^T x A so that S(i, j) is (after normalization by both norm(doc(i)) and norm(doc(j))) the cos-similarity between documents i and j whose word frequencies are respectively doc(i) and doc(j).

获得新文档doc(k)时该怎么办?好吧,我必须计算该文档与之前所有文档的相似度,而无需构建整个矩阵.我可以将doc(k) dot doc(j)的内积用于所有以前的j,结果得到S(k, j),这很棒.

What do I do when I get a new document doc(k)? Well, I have to compute the similarity of this document with all the previous ones, which doesn't require to build a whole matrix. I can just take the inner-product of doc(k) dot doc(j) for all previous j, and that result in S(k, j), which is great.

  1. 在Node.js中计算S真的很长.其实太久了!因此,我决定创建一个C ++模块,该模块可以更快地完成整个过程.确实如此!但是我等不及了,我应该能够使用中间结果.而我的意思是不等它"

  1. Computing S in Node.js is really long. Way too long in fact! So I decided to create a C++ module which would do the whole thing much faster. And it does! But I cannot wait for it, I should be able to use intermediate results. And what I mean by "not wait for it" is both


a. wait for the computation to be done, but also
b. wait for the matrix A to be built (it's a big one).

计算新的S(k, j)可以利用以下事实:文档的单词比所有给定单词的集合(我用来构建整个矩阵A)的单词少.因此,在Node.js中执行此操作看起来更快,从而避免了占用大量额外资源来访问数据.

Computing new S(k, j) can take advantage of the fact that documents have way less words than the set of all the given words (which I use to build the whole matrix A). Thus, it looks faster to do it in Node.js, avoiding a lot of extra-resource to be taken to access the data.


But is there any better way to do that?

注意:我开始计算S的原因是,我可以在可以访问所有数据的Node.js中轻松构建A,然后在C ++中进行矩阵乘法并将其放回Node.js中,这可以大大加快整个过程.但是,现在计算S变得不可行了,它看起来毫无用处.

Note : the reason I started computing S is that I can easily build A in Node.js where I have access to all the data, and then do the matrix multiplication in C++ and get it back in Node.js, which speeds the whole thing a lot. But now that computing S gets impracticable, it looks useless.

注释2 :是的,我不必计算整个S,我只可以计算右上角的元素(或左下角的元素),但这不是问题.时间计算问题不是这个顺序.

Note 2 : yep, I don't have to compute the whole S, I can just compute the upper-right elements (or the lower-left ones), but that's not the issue. The time computation issue is not of that order.



If one has to solve it today, just use pre-trained word vectors from fasttext or word2vec


07-30 09:50