

我有一个 CPTScatterPlot ,其中包含大量数据。我发现我可以通过在CorePlot中使用 doubleForPlot 而不是 numberForPlot 来减少内存开销(从而节省时间)。

I have a CPTScatterPlot with a huge amount of data. I have found that I could reduce the memory overhead (and thus time) by using doubleForPlot instead of numberForPlot in CorePlot.

但是当使用 numberForPlot 时,我可以选择返回 nil 如果缺少某些数据。然后,CorePlot将在图形中中断,并且不连接相邻点。

But when using numberForPlot I have the option to return nil if some data are missing. CorePlot will then make a break in the graph and not connect the neighbor points.

使用 doubleForPlot ?我有什么可以返回的特殊价值,CorePlot会将其视为缺失的点吗?

Is the same possible when using doubleForPlot? Is there some exceptional value that I can return and the CorePlot will treat this as a missing point?

谢谢Eric! ;)


返回 NAN 以获取缺少的值。


09-15 22:28