

我正在为iPad开发一个iOS 6应用程序,我使用一个名为Grabkit的存储库,我必须在我的项目中添加一个嵌套/子项目。为了使其工作,我必须在标题搜索路径中添加以下代码:

I'm developing a iOS 6 app for iPad and I use a Repository called Grabkit, which I have to add inside my project as a nested/sub project. In order to make it work I must add in Header Search Paths the following code:


它在模拟器中工作得很好,即使我在iPad上测试它,但问题是当我想存档到将它发送到App Store我得到一个错误说:找不到Grabkit.h文件我在测试应用程序时没有收到此错误,所以这很奇怪。可能是什么问题呢?我能做什么?谢谢

It works pretty well in the simulator and even when I test it on my iPad, but the problem is that when I want to archive to send it to the App Store I get an error saying: "Grabkit.h file not found" I don't get this error when I'm testing the app so it's weird. What could be the problem? What can I do? Thanks


$(BUILD_ROOT)/../ IntermediateBuildFilesPath来修复它用户标题搜索路径中的/ UninstalledProducts / include / GrabKitLib

skip install = NO


06-28 09:59