

我的特定类的所有后代都有一个 UILabel 实例变量。所以在我的父类中,我有 var标签:UILabel 。我想在子类中使用它,但是作为 IBOutlet 。我该怎么做?

All descendants of my specific class are to have a UILabel instance variable. So in my parent class I have var label: UILabel. I want to have it in the sublclass as well, but as an IBOutlet. How do I do this?

我添加了同名的 IBOutlet ,并对两个变量声明添加了弱。但是我收到一个关于无法覆盖存储属性的错误。

I added the IBOutlet of the same name, and added weak to both variable declarations. But I get an error about "Cannot override with a stored property".


How should I be doing this? And is it possible to not have to instantiate the superclass' version as I just want it for subclassing?


只需添加 IBOutlet 超类中的修饰符。

Just add the IBOutlet modifier in the superclass.


09-12 15:45