


i have an IntentService that calls webservice in OnHandleIntent every 45 seconds using TimerTask.


my question is:i am calling on app start the IntentService, and in OnHandleIntent the task keeps repeating due to TimerTask..is it a good practice to do this or does this have any drawbacks? should i use an alarm manager in my activity to call the intent service every amount of time or its fine to keep on repeaing the task in OnHandleIntent using the timer task?


    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent)

        context=this;   //INTENT CONTEXT

        final int timerValue = Integer.parseInt(MainActivitySharedPref.GetValue(context, "serviceTimer"));
        Log.d(TAG, "DOWNLOADSERVICE called having MainActivity.callService as: " + MainActivity.callService);
        t = new Timer();

        task = new TimerTask()

            public void run() {
//run tasks
        t.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, timerValue); // service executes task every 45 seconds




IntentService旨在允许您通过onHandleIntent()在提供的后台线程中执行工作.它不是设计用于派生线程,注册侦听器,设置TimerTask/ScheduledExecutorService或执行可能会超出onHandleIntent()末尾的其他任何操作的设计. IntentService将在onHandleIntent()结束后自行关闭,此后,Android可能会在几秒钟内终止后台进程(在本例中为TimerTask)可以正常工作之前终止您的进程.

IntentService is designed to allow you to perform work in a supplied background thread via onHandleIntent(). It is not designed for you to fork threads, register listeners, set up TimerTask/ScheduledExecutorService, or do anything else that would be running past the end of onHandleIntent(). The IntentService will shut itself down once onHandleIntent() ends, after which Android may terminate your process within seconds, before your background threads (or, in this case, TimerTask) can do its work.



If you are doing this only while some activity of yours is in the foreground, the every-45-seconds part is OK. If you are trying to do this continuously, on battery-powered devices, be prepared to be attacked by users for the battery drain that you are causing.


But, while an activity of yours is in the foreground... ScheduledExecutorService (the modern replacement for TimerTask) in a regular Service should be fine. You should not need AlarmManager, which is specifically designed to give you control after your process has been terminated, for longer polling periods.


06-28 00:33