本文介绍了列表中的Python sort()方法与内置sorted()函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道__builtin__ sorted()函数可用于任何可迭代的函数.但是有人可以解释anylist.sort()与sorted(anylist)之间的巨大(10倍)性能差异吗?另外,请指出如果我在测量此方法方面有任何错误.

I know that __builtin__ sorted() function works on any iterable. But can someone explain this huge (10x) performance difference between anylist.sort() vs sorted(anylist) ? Also, please point out if I am doing anything wrong with way this is measured.

Example Output:
$ python list_sort_timeit.py 
Using sort method: 20.0662879944
Using sorted builin method: 259.009809017

import random
import timeit

print 'Using sort method:',
x = min(timeit.Timer("test_list1.sort()","import random;test_list1=random.sample(xrange(1000),1000)").repeat())
print x

print 'Using sorted builin method:',
x =  min(timeit.Timer("sorted(test_list2)","import random;test_list2=random.sample(xrange(1000),1000)").repeat())
print x


As the title says, I was interested in comparing list.sort() vs sorted(list). The above snippet showed something interesting that, python's sort function behaves very well for already sorted data. As pointed out by Anurag, in the first case, the sort method is working on already sorted data and while in second sorted it is working on fresh piece to do work again and again.


So I wrote this one to test and yes, they are very close.

Example Output:
$ python list_sort_timeit.py 
Using sort method: 19.0166599751
Using sorted builin method: 23.203567028

import random
import timeit

print 'Using sort method:',
x = min(timeit.Timer("test_list1.sort()","import random;test_list1=random.sample(xrange(1000),1000);test_list1.sort()").repeat())
print x

print 'Using sorted builin method:',
x =  min(timeit.Timer("sorted(test_list2)","import random;test_list2=random.sample(xrange(1000),1000);test_list2.sort()").repeat())
print x

哦,当我键入此内容时,我看到Alex Martelli做出了回应.(我将保留编辑内容,因为它可能会很有用).

Oh, I see Alex Martelli with a response, as I was typing this one.. ( I shall leave the edit, as it might be useful).


您的度量错误如下:在您第一次调用test_list1.sort()之后,该列表对象 IS 进行了排序-以及Python的 timsort 排序,速度很快在已排序的列表上!这是使用timeit时最常见的错误-不经意间就产生了副作用并且没有考虑到它们.

Your error in measurement is as follows: after your first call of test_list1.sort(), that list object IS sorted -- and Python's sort, aka timsort, is wickedly fast on already sorted lists!!! That's the most frequent error in using timeit -- inadvertently getting side effects and not accounting for them.


Here's a good set of measurements, using timeit from the command line as it's best used:

$ python -mtimeit -s'import random; x=range(1000); random.shuffle(x)' '
y=list(x); y.sort()'
1000 loops, best of 3: 452 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'import random; x=range(1000); random.shuffle(x)' '
10000 loops, best of 3: 37.4 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'import random; x=range(1000); random.shuffle(x)' '
1000 loops, best of 3: 462 usec per loop

如您所见,y.sort()sorted(x)并驾齐驱,但是x.sort()由于副作用而获得的好处超过了一个数量级的优势-只是由于您的测量误差:但这并不能告诉您大约sort vs sorted本身! -)

As you see, y.sort() and sorted(x) are neck and neck, but x.sort() thanks to the side effects gains over an order of magnitude's advantage -- just because of your measurement error, though: this tells you nothing about sort vs sorted per se! -)

这篇关于列表中的Python sort()方法与内置sorted()函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-27 05:02