我通过P写一个小包装的zlib / Invoke的调用。它完美运行在64位的目标(64位C#编译,64位的DLL),而是抛出一个AccessViolationException在32位的目标(32位C#编译,32位的DLL)。
[的DllImport(Program.UnmanagedDll,CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)
私人静态外部ZLibResult ZLibDecom preSS(byte []的inStream中,UINT inLength,byte []的outStream,裁判UINT outLength);
成功= 0,
失败= 1,
InvalidLevel = 2,
InputTooShort = 3
内部静态ZLibResult DECOM preSS(byte []的COM pressed,出byte []的数据,UINT DATALENGTH){
VAR的len =(UINT)COM pressed.Length;
固定(字节* C = com的pressed){
固定(BYTE * B =缓存){
结果= ZLibDecom preSS(三,len个,B&安培; DATALENGTH);
如果(结果== ZLibResult.Success){
数据= NULL;
和这里的C code(编译MinGW的-W64):
的#include< stdint.h>
#定义ZLibCom pressSuccess 0
#定义ZLibCom pressFailure 1
__cdecl __declspec(dllexport)的uint8_t有ZLibDecom preSS(uint8_t有* inStream中,uint32_t的inLength,
uint8_t有* outStream,uint32_t的* outLength)
uLongf OL =(uLongf)* outLength;
INT结果= uncom preSS(outStream,和放大器;醇,inStream中,inLength);
* outLength =(uint32_t的)OL;
如果(结果== Z_OK)
返回ZLibCom pressSuccess;
返回ZLibCom pressFailure;
我看过了一切,想不通为什么访问冲突会发生在一个32位版本,而不是64位版本。 ZLibDecom preSS工作正常DECOM pressing从C应用程序调用时相同的流,但抛出从我的C#应用程序调用时访问冲突。
[的DllImport(Program.UnmanagedDll,CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)
私人静态外部ZLibResult ZLibDecom preSS(
[的MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)的byte [] inStream中,UINT inLength,
[的MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)的byte [] outStream,裁判UINT outLength);
内部静态ZLibResult DECOM preSS(byte []的COM pressed,出byte []的数据,UINT DATALENGTH){
VAR的结果= ZLibDecom preSS(COM pressed,(UINT)COM pressed.Length,缓冲,参考DATALENGTH);
如果(结果== ZLibResult.Success){
数据= NULL;
C code:
__ declspec(dllexport)的uint8_t有__cdecl ZLibDecom preSS(uint8_t有* inStream中,uint32_t的inLength,
uint8_t有* outStream,uint32_t的* outLength){
uLongf OL =(uLongf)* outLength;
INT结果= uncom preSS(outStream,和放大器;醇,inStream中,inLength);
* outLength =(uint32_t的)OL;
如果(结果== Z_OK)
返回ZLibCom pressSuccess;
返回ZLibCom pressFailure;
固定(BYTE * B =缓存){
结果= ZLibDecom preSS(三,len个,B&安培; DATALENGTH);
没有,不能正常工作。在固定的关键字提供一个高度优化的方法,以确保垃圾回收器移动的物体不会造成麻烦。它不被钉住对象(如文档说),它是通过使 B
变量,垃圾收集器做到这一点。然后看到它引用的缓冲区,并更新了 b值
工作的价值传递给ZlibDecom preSS()。垃圾收集器无法更新该副本。当发生GC而ZLibDecom preSS()运行时,本机code会破坏垃圾回收堆的完整性,这将最终导致一个AV的效果会很差。
和 outstream
参数作为字节[],而不是字节*。并通过阵列直接没有做什么特别的事情。此外, outlength
参数应声明 REF INT
I'm writing a small zlib wrapper via P/Invoke calls. It runs perfectly on a 64-bit target (64-bit C# build, 64-bit DLL), but throws an AccessViolationException on a 32-bit target (32-bit C# build, 32-bit DLL).
Here's the C# signature and code which throws the exception:
[DllImport(Program.UnmanagedDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern ZLibResult ZLibDecompress(byte[] inStream, uint inLength, byte[] outStream, ref uint outLength);
internal enum ZLibResult : byte {
Success = 0,
Failure = 1,
InvalidLevel = 2,
InputTooShort = 3
internal static ZLibResult Decompress(byte[] compressed, out byte[] data, uint dataLength) {
var len = (uint) compressed.Length;
fixed (byte* c = compressed) {
var buffer = new byte[dataLength];
ZLibResult result;
fixed (byte* b = buffer) {
result = ZLibDecompress(c, len, b, &dataLength);
if(result == ZLibResult.Success) {
data = buffer;
return result;
data = null;
return result;
And here's the C code (compiled with MinGW-w64):
#include <stdint.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#define ZLibCompressSuccess 0
#define ZLibCompressFailure 1
__cdecl __declspec(dllexport) uint8_t ZLibDecompress(uint8_t* inStream, uint32_t inLength,
uint8_t* outStream, uint32_t* outLength)
uLongf oL = (uLongf)*outLength;
int result = uncompress(outStream, &oL, inStream, inLength);
*outLength = (uint32_t)oL;
if(result == Z_OK)
return ZLibCompressSuccess;
return ZLibCompressFailure;
I've looked over everything and can't figure out why an access violation would be happening on a 32-bit build and not on a 64-bit build. ZLibDecompress works fine decompressing the same stream when called from a C app, but throws an access violation when called from my C# app.
Does anyone know why this could be happening?
EDIT:Updated my code, still getting an access violation on 32-bit builds, but not 64-bit.
C# Code:
[DllImport(Program.UnmanagedDll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern ZLibResult ZLibDecompress(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]byte[] inStream, uint inLength,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]byte[] outStream, ref uint outLength);
internal static ZLibResult Decompress(byte[] compressed, out byte[] data, uint dataLength) {
var buffer = new byte[dataLength];
var result = ZLibDecompress(compressed, (uint)compressed.Length, buffer, ref dataLength);
if(result == ZLibResult.Success) {
data = buffer;
return result;
data = null;
return result;
C Code:
__declspec(dllexport) uint8_t __cdecl ZLibDecompress(uint8_t* inStream, uint32_t inLength,
uint8_t* outStream, uint32_t* outLength) {
uLongf oL = (uLongf)*outLength;
int result = uncompress(outStream, &oL, inStream, inLength);
*outLength = (uint32_t)oL;
if(result == Z_OK)
return ZLibCompressSuccess;
return ZLibCompressFailure;
fixed (byte* b = buffer) {
result = ZLibDecompress(c, len, b, &dataLength);
No, that can't work. The fixed keyword provides a highly optimized way to ensure that the garbage collector moving objects doesn't cause trouble. It doesn't do it by pinning the object (like the documentation says), it does it by exposing the b
variable to the garbage collector. Which then sees it referencing the buffer and updates the value of b
when it moves buffer
That however can't work in this case, a copy of the b
value was passed to ZlibDecompress(). The garbage collector cannot update that copy. The outcome will be poor when a GC occurs while ZLibDecompress() is running, the native code will destroy the integrity of the garbage collected heap and that will eventually cause an AV.
You cannot use fixed, you must use GCHandle.Alloc() to pin the buffer.
But don't do that either, you are helping too much. The pinvoke marshaller is already very good at pinning objects when necessary. Declare the instream
and outstream
arguments as byte[] instead of byte*. And pass the arrays directly without doing anything special. Also, the outlength
argument should be declared ref int
这篇关于AccessViolationException在P / Invoke调用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!