6 月 1 日之后,我将我的 ionic 应用程序提交到 itunes connect 并收到了来自 Apple 的消息.
after June 1, I submit my ionic app to itunes connect and I got the message from apple.
应用在 IPv6 网络上进行审核.请确保您的应用支持 IPv6 网络,因为IPv6 兼容性 是必需的.
Apps are reviewed on an IPv6 network. Please ensure that your app supports IPv6 networks, as IPv6 compatibility is required.
有关支持 IPv6 网络的信息,请参阅支持 IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 网络.
For information about supporting IPv6 Networks, refer to Supporting iPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks.
For a networking overview, please see About Networking.
我已使用 AFNetworking 进行 API 调用.
I have used AFNetworking for API call.
Please help to find out the solution for the same.
实际上我正在使用 AFNetworking 库调用 API.
Actually i am calling API using AFNetworking Library.
我刚刚用我现有的类替换了 Github 中的 AFNetworkReachabilityManager 类.而苹果就没有问题了.
I have just replace the AFNetworkReachabilityManager classes from Github with my existing classes. And apple doesn't have problem any more.
And my app works now.
这篇关于需要 iPv6 兼容性 - 被苹果拒绝的 iOS 应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!