我正在修改一些代码以依赖于 rand 0.5 版.起初,我担心如何使用 Standard
I am modifying some code to depend on rand version 0.5. At first, I was worried how I would enable generating random values of my own types with Standard
, but I found out this is legal:
impl ::rand::distributions::Distribution<MyType> for ::rand::distributions::Standard {
// ...
为什么是合法的?我认为为外部类型实现外部特征是 非法.
Why is it legal? I thought implementing an external trait for an external type is illegal.
这些规则(称为孤立规则或一致性规则)的全部目的是避免给定特征/类型组合的任何冲突实现.从 Rust 1.0 开始,人们认为,对于允许谁为类型实现 trait 的随意",这不符合追求稳固稳定性的语言.
The entire purpose of these rules (called the orphan rules or coherence rules) is to avoid having any conflicting implementations for a given trait/type combination. Since Rust 1.0, it is believed that it would not be in line with a language striving for solid stability to be "willy-nilly" about who is allowed to implement a trait for a type.
A very common example of this particular type of implementation is From
impl From<MyType> for i32 {
// ...
通过使用本地类型参数化 trait,对于谁在实现 trait 仍然没有歧义.一种思考方式是将 Distribution
视为不是 trait 而是 trait 构造函数 .Distribution
By parameterizing the trait with a local type, there's still no ambiguity about who is implementing the trait. One way of thinking about it would be treating Distribution
as not a trait but a trait constructor . Each instance of Distribution
creates a new trait, one that's custom-made for the case.
— 这不是真的,但这是一个合理的类比.
— This isn't true, but it's a reasonable analogy.