我必须创建一个温度转换计算器,将结果温度四舍五入到最接近的整数&反之亦然。结果必须显示在窗口警报中。给定的公式是(Fahrenheit_temp - 32)* .55
var tempInCelcius =(document.Converter.fahrenheit.value - 32)* .55;
var tempInFahrenheit =(document.Converter.celcius.value * 1.8)+ 32
< html>
< head>
< title>转换温度< / title>
< script language =" JavaScript">
<! - 隐藏旧浏览器
var TempInCelcius = document.Converter.fahrenheit .value - 32)* .55;
var TempInFahrenheit = document.Converter.celcius.value * 1.8)+ 32;
????? ? - 我无法得到正确的计算结果????????
// - >
< / script>
< / head>
< body>
< h1>转换温度< / h1> ;
< form name = data>
< p>< strong>以华氏温度输入温度< / strong>< / p>
< input type =" text"名称= QUOT;摄氏度"大小= QUOT; 10" align =" left">
< input type =" Button"对齐= QUOT;左" value ="转换为Celcius" onClick = tempConv()>
< br>
< p>< strong>以Celcius输入温度< / strong>< / p>
< input type =" text"名称= QUOT; fahrenheit_in"大小= QUOT; 10" align =" left">
< input type =" Button"对齐= QUOT;左" value ="转换为Fahrenheit" onClick =" tempConv()">
< / body>
< / html>
I am absolutely stuck with this one.
I have to create a temperature conversion calculator that rounds the resulting temperature to the nearest whole number & vice versa. The result must be displayed in a window alert. The given formula is (Fahrenheit_temp - 32) * .55
The only tip/clue I have is to use
var tempInCelcius = (document.Converter.fahrenheit.value - 32) * .55;
var tempInFahrenheit = (document.Converter.celcius.value * 1.8) + 32
I have tried, deleted, tried and deleted again. I am so frustrated and feeling suicidal that I am just not grasping the concept.
<title>Convert Temperature</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!--Hide from old browsers
function tempConv() {
var TempInCelcius = document.Converter.fahrenheit.value - 32) * .55;
var TempInFahrenheit = document.Converter.celcius.value * 1.8) + 32;
?????? - I cannot get the calc right????????
<h1>Convert Temperature</h1>
<form name=data>
<p><strong>Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit</strong></p>
<input type="text" name="Celcius" size="10" align="left">
<input type="Button" align="left" value="Convert to Celcius" onClick=tempConv()>
<p><strong>Enter the temperature in Celcius</strong></p>
<input type="text" name="fahrenheit_in" size="10" align="left">
<input type="Button" align="left" value="Convert to Fahrenheit" onClick="tempConv()">