

我想设置的 FontStretch 属性在WPF一个TextBlock,但似乎这是行不通的。我试图扩大,浓缩等,但文本外观不会改变。

I am trying setting FontStretch property on a TextBlock in WPF but it seems that it does not work. I tried Expanded, Condensed, etc. but the text appearance does not change.

我的工作在Windows XP上使用框架4.0,并测试了用宋体和宋体。

I am working on Windows XP with Framework 4.0 and tested both with Verdana and Arial.

是否在Windows 7或只与某些特定的字体只能在工作吗?

Does it work only on Windows 7 or only with some specific fonts?


EDIT: If it does not work with all fonts, is there a list of fonts that support this feature? Or is it possible to modify a font like Verdana/Arial to support it?



To get a similar effect to FontStretch in a font that doesn't support it, you can use a LayoutTransform on the TextBlock:

  <ScaleTransform x:Key="FontStretchCondensed" ScaleX="0.8" />
  <ScaleTransform x:Key="FontStretchExpanded" ScaleX="1.2" />


<TextBlock Text="This is my text"
           LayoutTransform="{StaticResource FontStretchCondensed}" />


This can also be set in a style if you want to have all text in TextBlocks appear condensed:

<Style TargetType="TextBlock">
    <Setter Property="LayoutTransform" Value="{StaticResource FontStretchCondensed}" />


06-27 13:52