


I have a CA issued CERT in PKCS#7 format. It has certificates (chained) within it.Keytool does not recognize the PKCS7 format. I have tried OpenSSL tool to convert PKCS7 format certificate to PEM format and it fails. I receive an error message "Unable to load PKCS7 object".


How do I import the PKCS7 cert chain to my JKS?


您可以在 命令:

As you can read in the keytool reference for -importcert command:

keytool可以导入X.509 v1,v2和v3证书,PKCS# 7格式的证书链。

keytool can import X.509 v1, v2, and v3 certificates, and PKCS#7 formatted certificate chains consisting of certificates of that type.


Try to import the PKCS7 cert as it is.


Though, it doesn't always work. If you have problems, try to do the following (using OpenSSL):

  1. 将其包含的所有证书打印到PEM文件

  1. Print all the certs it contains to a PEM file

OpenSSL> pkcs7 -in initial_file.p7b -inform DER -print_certs -outform PEM -out certs_chain.pem

打开新的PEM文件 ----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----- 之间的所有内容 certs_chain.pem ----- END CERTIFICATE ----- 边界(只保留边界内的编码内容,证书本身)并保存。

Open the new PEM file (certs_chain.pem) with an editor and delete everything outside -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- boundaries (keep only the encoded content within the boundaries, the certificates themselves) and save it.

现在,使用 certs_chain.pem 作为 cert_file
