本文介绍了用Java读取/编辑/写入jpg IPTC元数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Apache Commons,但这对我来说还不够,因为它是一种非常古老的技术.因此,我找到了 iCafe ,它看起来更好,但是下面出现了错误.知道我在做什么错吗?

I am using Apache Commons but it is not enough for me because it is so old technology. So ,i found iCafe and it seems better but I am having the error below. Any idea what i am doing wrong?

      private static List<IPTCDataSet> createIPTCDataSet() {
          List<IPTCDataSet> iptcs = new ArrayList<IPTCDataSet>();
          iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, "Copyright 2014-2016, [email protected]"));
          iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.CATEGORY, "ICAFE"));
          iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.KEY_WORDS, "Welcome 'icafe' user!"));

          return iptcs;

      private static IPTC createIPTC() {
        IPTC iptc = new IPTC();
        return iptc;

      public static void main(String[] args) throws  IOException {

        FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("C:/Users/rajab/Desktop/test/ibo.jpeg");
        FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("C:/Users/rajab/Desktop/test/ibo/ibo.jpeg");

        List<Metadata> metaList = new ArrayList<Metadata>();
        metaList.add(new Comments(Arrays.asList("Comment1", "Comment2")));

        Metadata.insertMetadata(metaList, fin, fout);




Not sure what exactly you want but here is what ICAFE can do with IPTC metadata:

  • 从图像中读取IPTC.
  • 将IPTC插入图像或更新现有图像的IPTC.
  • 从图像中删除IPTC.


For reading IPTC, here is an example:

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Iterator;

    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.Metadata;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.MetadataEntry;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.MetadataType;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.iptc.IPTC;

    public class ExtractIPTC {

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            Map<MetadataType, Metadata> metadataMap = Metadata.readMetadata(args[0]);
            IPTC iptc = (IPTC)metadataMap.get(MetadataType.IPTC);

            if(iptc != null) {
                Iterator<MetadataEntry> iterator = iptc.iterator();

                while(iterator.hasNext()) {
                    MetadataEntry item = iterator.next();
                    printMetadata(item, "", "     ");
        private void printMetadata(MetadataEntry entry, String indent, String increment) {
            logger.info(indent + entry.getKey() (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue())? "" : ": " + entry.getValue()));
            if(entry.isMetadataEntryGroup()) {
                 indent += increment;
                 Collection<MetadataEntry> entries = entry.getMetadataEntries();
                 for(MetadataEntry e : entries) {
                    printMetadata(e, indent, increment);


For insert/update IPTC, here is an example:

    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;

    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.Metadata;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.MetadataEntry;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.MetadataType;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.iptc.IPTCDataSet;
    import com.icafe4j.image.meta.iptc.IPTCApplicationTag;

    public class InsertIPTC {

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
           FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("C:/Users/rajab/Desktop/test/ibo.jpeg");
           FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("C:/Users/rajab/Desktop/test/ibo/ibo.jpeg");

           Metadata.insertIPTC(fin, fout, createIPTCDataSet(), true);
        private static List<IPTCDataSet> createIPTCDataSet() {
            List<IPTCDataSet> iptcs = new ArrayList<IPTCDataSet>();
            iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, "Copyright 2014-2016, [email protected]"));
            iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.OBJECT_NAME, "ICAFE"));
            iptcs.add(new IPTCDataSet(IPTCApplicationTag.KEY_WORDS, "Welcome 'icafe' user!"));

            return iptcs;


The above example uses Metadata.insertIPTC instead of Metadata.insertMetadata because we need one more boolean parameter. If set to true, it will keep the existing IPTC data and only update the those we want. Some of the IPTC entries allow multiple values. In that case, we only append/add the new ones. For other unique entries, they will be replaced by the new ones.


Looks like you want to add key words and title. In your question, you already showed code to insert key words and in order to insert title, use OBJECT_NAME which can be found in the example above.


Note: you can add multiple key words as well. Some softwares can only handle one key words record. In that case, you can put all the key words in one record separated by semi-colon instead of insert multiple entries.

这篇关于用Java读取/编辑/写入jpg IPTC元数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-27 12:45