

尝试查找如何执行ipdb(或pdb)命令,例如 disable .

Trying to find how to execute ipdb (or pdb) commands such as disable.

disable 上调用 h 命令说


So how whould I get those bp numbers? was looking through the list of commands and couldn't get any to display the bp numbers

break b info断点命令不执行任何操作,尽管在我的模块中我显然设置了1个这样的断点,如导入pdb;pdb.set_trace()-与 ipdb 相同.此外,未定义 info .

The break, b and info breakpoints commands don't do anything, although in my module i clearly have 1 breakpoint set like this import pdb; pdb.set_trace( ) - same for ipdb. Moreover info is not defined.

pdb 中的 help 的输出:

其他帮助主题:========================== exec pdb

Miscellaneous help topics: ========================== exec pdb

未公开的命令:====================== retval rv

Undocumented commands: ====================== retval rv

对于 ipdb :

其他帮助主题:========================== exec pdb

Miscellaneous help topics: ========================== exec pdb

未公开的命令:====================== retval rv

Undocumented commands: ====================== retval rv


I have saved my module as pb3.py and am executing it within the command line like this


If more info is needed, i will provide it.


使用 break 命令.不要添加任何行号,它会列出所有行号而不是添加它们.

Use the break command. Don't add any line numbers and it will list all instead of adding them.


06-27 05:16