


One stumbles upon this phrase when reading about design patterns.


But I don't understand it, could someone explain this for me?



Coding against interface means, the client code always holds an Interface object which is supplied by a factory. Any instance returned by the factory would be of type Interface which any factory candidate class must have implemented. This way the client program is not worried about implementation and the interface signature determines what all operations can be done. This can be used to change the behavior of a program at run-time. It also helps you to write far better programs from the maintenance point of view.


public enum Language
    English, German, Spanish

public class SpeakerFactory
    public static ISpeaker CreateSpeaker(Language language)
        switch (language)
            case Language.English:
                return new EnglishSpeaker();
            case Language.German:
                return new GermanSpeaker();
            case Language.Spanish:
                return new SpanishSpeaker();
                throw new ApplicationException("No speaker can speak such language");

static void Main()
    //This is your client code.
    ISpeaker speaker = SpeakerFactory.CreateSpeaker(Language.English);

public interface ISpeaker
    void Speak();

public class EnglishSpeaker : ISpeaker
    public EnglishSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak English.");


public class GermanSpeaker : ISpeaker
    public GermanSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak German.");


public class SpanishSpeaker : ISpeaker
    public SpanishSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak Spanish.");




我已经更新了上面的例子并添加了一个抽象的 Speaker 基类.在本次更新中,我为SayHello"的所有扬声器添加了一项功能.所有演讲者都说Hello World".所以这是一个具有相似功能的共同特征.参考类图,你会发现Speaker抽象类实现了ISpeaker接口并将Speak()标记为抽象,这意味着每个 Speaker 实现负责实现 Speak() 方法,因为它从 SpeakerSpeaker 变化.但所有发言者都一致地说你好".因此,在抽象的 Speaker 类中,我们定义了一个表示Hello World"的方法,并且每个 Speaker 实现都将派生出 SayHello() 方法.


I have updated the example above and added an abstract Speaker base class. In this update, I added a feature to all Speakers to "SayHello". All speaker speak "Hello World". So that's a common feature with similar function. Refer to the class diagram and you'll find that Speaker abstract class implement ISpeaker interface and marks the Speak() as abstract which means that the each Speaker implementation is responsible for implementing the Speak() method since it varies from Speaker to Speaker. But all speaker say "Hello" unanimously. So in the abstract Speaker class we define a method that says "Hello World" and each Speaker implementation will derive the SayHello() method.

考虑 SpanishSpeaker 无法 Say Hello 的情况,因此在这种情况下,您可以覆盖西班牙语演讲者的 SayHello() 方法并引发适当的异常.

Consider a case where SpanishSpeaker cannot Say Hello so in that case you can override the SayHello() method for Spanish Speaker and raise proper exception.

请注意,我们有未对界面进行任何更改I扬声器.和客户端代码和SpeakerFactory 也不受影响不变.这就是我们通过编程到接口实现的目标.

我们可以通过简单地添加一个基本抽象类 Speaker 并在 Each 实现中进行一些小的修改来实现这种行为,从而保持原始程序不变.这是任何应用程序都需要的功能,它使您的应用程序易于维护.

And we could achieve this behavior by simply adding a base abstract class Speaker and some minor modification in Each implementation thus leaving the original program unchanged. This is a desired feature of any application and it makes your application easily maintainable.

public enum Language
    English, German, Spanish

public class SpeakerFactory
    public static ISpeaker CreateSpeaker(Language language)
        switch (language)
            case Language.English:
                return new EnglishSpeaker();
            case Language.German:
                return new GermanSpeaker();
            case Language.Spanish:
                return new SpanishSpeaker();
                throw new ApplicationException("No speaker can speak such language");

class Program
    static void Main()
        //This is your client code.
        ISpeaker speaker = SpeakerFactory.CreateSpeaker(Language.English);

public interface ISpeaker
    void Speak();

public abstract class Speaker : ISpeaker

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public abstract void Speak();

    public virtual void SayHello()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello world.");


public class EnglishSpeaker : Speaker
    public EnglishSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public override void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak English.");


public class GermanSpeaker : Speaker
    public GermanSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public override void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak German.");


public class SpanishSpeaker : Speaker
    public SpanishSpeaker() { }

    #region ISpeaker Members

    public override void Speak()
        Console.WriteLine("I speak Spanish.");

    public override void SayHello()
        throw new ApplicationException("I cannot say Hello World.");



06-27 02:50