

我在测试期间使用SysInternals DebugView进行调试/日志记录,效果非常好。不过我以为是有更先进的工具。

I'm using SysInternals DebugView for debugging/logging during testing, and it's pretty good. However I was thinking is there more advanced tool.


  • 实时过滤器 - 记录所有内容过滤

  • 按进程名过滤

  • 通过过滤
  • 将日志拆分为不同的视图b $ b
  • 解析消息

  • 扩展过去的OutputDebugString,从非Windows设备接收TCP / UDP消息

  • 脚本(?)

  • Live filters - log everything (well, everything "interesting"), change view by filtering
  • Filter by process name
  • Split log to different views by filtering
  • Parsing messages
  • Extending past OutputDebugString, receiving TCP/UDP messages from non-windows devices
  • Scripting(?)


Features I like in DebugView:

  • 过滤

  • 颜色

  • 良好的时间戳

  • 直播视图

  • Filtering
  • Colors
  • Good timestamps
  • Live view


Any tools for this? Or other available techniques?

我正在使用Windows XP / 7和主要使用Delphi和Python编程。

I'm using Windows XP/7 and programming mainly with Delphi and Python.



Feel free to try SmartInspect. It comes with the things you've listed, and we have libraries for Delp .NET and Java. Also there's an unsupported Python port by one of our customers. It also has high-resolution timestamps and other unique features not found in other tools such as log file encryption, a fast named-pipe log protocol (in addition to TCP logging), backlog queues etc.


06-27 01:28