本文介绍了Spring Controller @RequestBody可以上传文件吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a Controller like this and I want to submit a form with file uploading as well as some form data like label as shown below. Also, I want to do that using @RequestBody so I can use the @Valid annotation on the wrapper as more variables will be added.

public @ResponseBody WebResponse<Boolean> updateEUSettings(
    final Locale locale,
    @Validated @ModelAttribute final EUPSettingsWrapper endUserPortalSettingsWrapper) {


public class EUPSettingsWrapper {

    private String label;
    private MultipartFile logo;
// getter , setters..etc...


But I would like to convert it into a @RequestBody from ModelAttributes.


The way I'm trying is by having the file upload separated as request parameter like this:

public @ResponseBody WebResponse<Boolean> updateEUSettings(
    final Locale locale,
    @Validated @RequestBody final EUPSettingsWrapper endUserPortalSettingsWrapper,
    @RequestParam(value = "file1", required = true) final MultipartFile logo) {


    // ...


In my mock MVC, I am setting:



But I'm getting an error like this which says:

org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'multipart/form-data' not supported


Does anyone have a good idea of how Multipart file uploads can be used with @RequestBody? Anything I am doing wrong above?


您实际上可以在这里简化生活,因为您所做的只是提交包含某些字段和文件的表单.您不需要即可使用@RequestBody进行操作.您可以使用常规的Spring MVC功能,因此您的控制器方法如下所示:

You can actually simplify your life here since all you are doing is submitting a form that contains some fields and file.You don't need @RequestBody for what you are trying to do. You can use regular Spring MVC features, so your controller method would look like:

public WebResponse<Boolean> updateEUSettings(
     Locale locale,
     @Valid EUPSettingsWrapper endUserPortalSettingsWrapper,
     @RequestParam(value = "file1", required = true) MultipartFile logo
) {



The client that submits the request to this controller will need to have a form with enctype="multipart/form-data".

在Spring MVC测试中,您将编写如下内容:

In your Spring MVC test you would write something like this:

getMockMvc().perform(fileUpload(uri).file("file1", "some-content".getBytes())
                        .param("someEuSettingsProperty", "someValue")
                        .param("someOtherEuSettingsProperty", "someOtherValue")

这篇关于Spring Controller @RequestBody可以上传文件吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-09 22:21