

我已经开始在SVN信息库中工作.我已经使用hg clone将其子文件夹克隆到本地的Hg存储库中.

I've began work in an SVN repository. I've cloned a subfolder of it into a local Hg repo with hg clone.


Afterwards, I wanted to share this with a colleague who does not have access to the SVN repository. I've created a private BitBucket repository, and we occasionally pushed the changes, and hence I had to pull them.


hgsubversion does some nasty things to changesets, such as changing their committer (and I believe even the hash). When I tried pushing and pulling to the BitBucket repo, I had to do a merge.

由于我们挚爱的朋友abort: Sorry, can't find svn parent of a merge revision.,现在我无法将更改推回Subversion存储库.

Now I am unable to push changes back into the Subversion repository due to our beloved friend, abort: Sorry, can't find svn parent of a merge revision..


How would one pull the BitBucket-targetting Mercurial repository with the svn-targetting Mercurial repository, while staying compatible with hgsubversion (that is, without importing the merge revisions)?


Some automated way to do this would be appreciated, of course, but if there is no such thing/easy way to do this, I'd be grateful for any solution.

我使用hgsubversion,而不是hgsvn;也就是hg clone svn://repo/url所在的扩展名.不过,如有必要,我愿意进行切换.

I use hgsubversion, not hgsvn; that is, the extension in which one does hg clone svn://repo/url. I am open to switching, though, if necessary.



When you use Mercurial on a subversion repository, you have to still think like SVN does, so a lot of features part of the basic mercurial workflow just won't work. Merging the way mercurial does it is impossible on a svn depot. If you have merged your work with the pulled svn branch, you'll get the infamous about message you're getting now :(


I suggest you read durin42's answer to this question.

要摆脱当前的混乱局面,建议您从SVN存储库中结帐时创建一个补丁(或一系列补丁).从Subversion存储库中获取一个新的新副本,然后应用补丁.我不确定您是否可以从当前的存储库中执行此操作.您可以探索hg diff命令.

EDIT : To get out of your current mess, I suggest you create a patch (or a series of patches) from the point you checkout from the SVN repo. Get a new fresh copy from the subversion repository and apply the patch(es). I am not sure you'll be able to do it from your current repo. You could explore the hg diff command.

hg diff -g -r tip -r XXX > patch


with XXX being your original SVN checkout (I haven't tested it yet.)


09-03 20:03