


I am receiving a MySQL Timestamp in UTC and trying to covert it to the client's local timezone. However, When i do this I get the wrong time zone.

Ive将我的 DateTime 字符串格式化为: var utcTime = 2014-05-15T13:00:00Z

Ive formatted my DateTime String to be: var utcTime = 2014-05-15T13:00:00Z

不过,转换后,我的dateObject是: Date {2014年5月15日,星期四,格林尼治标准时间-0400(EDT)} 。但是,我希望我的时区为格林尼治标准时间-0500(EST)。

However when after my conversion my dateObject is: Date {Thu May 15 2014 09:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)}. However, I want my Timezone to be GMT -0500 (EST).

我已经在线搜索了,发现有一种方法可以通过将 UTC附加到

I've searched online and saw there is a way to do this by appending "UTC" to a MYSQL formatted Timestamp.. However, this method does not work in all browsers.


If anyone has any insight on converting timezones i would appreciate it.


EDT中的D表示日光,而EST中的S表示标准。 EDT应该在美国的夏季使用,而EST在冬季使用()。 GMT -4(EDT)实际上是正确的当地时间吗?如果更倾向于冬季,它将自动切换到GMT -5(EST)。客户端时区和夏令时由Javascript自动处理。

The D in EDT stands for Daylight and the S in EST stands for Standard. EDT should be used during Summer in the U.S. and EST in the Winter (list of countries here). Is it possible that GMT -4 (EDT) is actually the right local time? If it would be more towards winter it would switch automatically to GMT -5 (EST). The client timezone together with daylight savings is handled automatically by Javascript.


For example, the default string representation of a certain date in Javascript should correctly choose between Standard time and Daylight Savings time based on the date object itself and the machine timezone:

var date = new Date(millisSinceUnixEpoch);
alert(date.toDateString() + ' ' + date.toTimeString());


Note: there's room for a lot of assumption though. E.g. not sure exactly how your 'conversion to local timezone' code looks like


10-10 10:34