

PHP警告:require_once(behat/autoload.php):无法打开流:/usr/bin/behat上第23行没有此类文件或目录PHP致命错误:require_once():无法在/usr中打开所需的'behat/autoload.php'(include_path ='.:/usr/bin/pear:/usr/lib/php:/Users/steve/perforce/')/bin/behat 23行

PHP Warning: require_once(behat/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/bin/behat on line 23PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'behat/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/bin/pear:/usr/lib/php:/Users/steve/perforce/') in /usr/bin/behat on line 23


Any ideas what might be causing this??



This is probably due to a broken installation. I would suggest you install behat with composer, if you want it globally installed then run

$ composer global require behat/behat


Then make sure you add the composer path to your $PATH variable.


Its much easier to work with behat as a local dependency of your project. I am not sure if you are using it for a PHP project but if you are then i'd recommend not to install it globally, instead in your composer.json file add it as a dev dependency:

  "require-dev": {
    "behat/behat": "~3.0"

然后运行composer update使其在本地安装.然后,您可以通过运行vendor/bin/behat来访问它.

Then run composer update to get it installed locally. You can then access it by running vendor/bin/behat.


From personal experience, installing behat globally can give you issues because of other local libraries you may need per project basis. This may have been resolved now but I had issues when one local project behat dependency differed from another projects.


09-22 10:27