本文介绍了为什么使用System.Runtime.Caching或System.Web.Caching VS静态变量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


很长一段时间听众 - 第一次来电。我希望能得到一些建议。我一直在阅读有关缓存在.net中 - 都与System.Web.Caching和System.Runtime.Caching。我想知道什么额外的好处,我可以得到VS简单的创建一个静态变量与锁定。我现在的(头脑简单)高速缓存方法是这样的:

Long time listener - first time caller. I am hoping to get some advice. I have been reading about caching in .net - both with System.Web.Caching and System.Runtime.Caching. I am wondering what additional benefits I can get vs simply creating a static variable with locking. My current (simple minded) caching method is like this:

public class Cache
    private static List<Category> _allCategories;
    private static readonly object _lockObject = new object();

    public static List<Category> AllCategories
            lock (_lockObject)
                if (_allCategories == null)
                    _allCategories = //DB CALL TO POPULATE
            return _allCategories;


Other than expiration (and I wouldn't want this to expire) I am at a loss to see what the benefit of using the built in caching are.

也许有更多的复杂的高速缓存的情况不适用于我的利益 - 也许我只是失去了一些东西(不会是第一次)。

Maybe there are benefits for more complex caching scenarios that don't apply to me - or maybe I am just missing something (would not be the first time).


So, what is the advantage of using cache if I want a cache that never expires? Doesn't static variables do this?


首先,Xaqron使得一个好点的是什么你在谈论可能没有资格作为缓存。这真的只是一个懒洋洋地加载全局访问的变量。这很好:作为一个实际的程序员,没有一点年轻气盛实现全高速缓存上它不是真的有益。如果你打算使用这种方法,不过,你还不如延迟,让.NET 4做繁重的:

First of all, Xaqron makes a good point that what you're talking about probably doesn't qualify as caching. It's really just a lazily-loaded globally-accessible variable. That's fine: as a practical programmer, there's no point bending over backward to implement full-on caching where it's not really beneficial. If you're going to use this approach, though, you might as well be Lazy and let .NET 4 do the heavy lifting:

private static Lazy<IEnumerable<Category>> _allCategories
    = new Lazy<IEnumerable<Category>>(() => /* Db call to populate */);

public static IEnumerable<Category> AllCategories
    get { return _allCategories.Value; }

我把改变类型的自由的IEnumerable&LT;类别&GT; 来prevent主叫方认为他们可以添加到这个列表

I took the liberty of changing the type to IEnumerable<Category> to prevent callers from thinking they can add to this list.


That said, any time you're accessing a public static member, you're missing out on a lot of flexibility that Object-Oriented Programming has to offer. I'd personally recommend that you:

  1. 重命名类CategoryRepository(或类似的东西),
  2. 请该类实施 ICategoryRepository 接口,使​​用 GetAllCategories()法的界面上,和
  3. 有这个接口是构造注入到需要它的任何类。
  1. Rename the class to CategoryRepository (or something like that),
  2. Make this class implement an ICategoryRepository interface, with a GetAllCategories() method on the interface, and
  3. Have this interface be constructor-injected into any classes that need it.


This approach will make it possible for you to unit test classes that are supposed to do things with all the categories, with full control over which "categories" are tested, and without the need for a database call.

这篇关于为什么使用System.Runtime.Caching或System.Web.Caching VS静态变量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-09 12:37