


for a 3d imaging software i am coding:


I need to define an ellipsoid E, which can have any radii, centers and rotations in space


the user interface allows the user to control 3 ellipses, which are "slices" of the ellipsoid (red,green,blue in the image) ,and are parallel (by definition) to the main Cartesian planes (x-y, y-z.x-z)


these 3 ellipses are part of, and define, the whole ellipsoid


each slice can be dragged, resized or rotated in space andeach slice is fully defined: it's center's 3d position in space, it's 2 radiuses, it's distance from the axis planes.


each change should, obviously, affect the parameters of the ellipsoid E, and the other 2 derived ellipses.


i need the equation to re-calculate ellipsoid E based on the changes made to a slice


(The preferred type of equation for the ellipsoid should make it easy to derive the X-Y ellipse cuts (variable z))


any ideas?thanx in advanceSaar


我认为,关键这个问题是重写初始椭圆方程中的: X 斧,其中 X = {X,Y,Z}和 A 是正定的。以

I think the key to this problem is to rewrite the initial ellipse equation in matrix form: xAx, where x = {x,y,z} and A is positive definite. Taking

我们可以更新的 A 通过相似变换。这样,更新后的矩阵和 A' = U AU ,其中 U 是和 U 是它的转置。然后点击 A'用于更新其他视图。

we can update A via a similarity transform. So that, the updated matrix is then A' = UAU where U is an orthogonal matrix and U is its transpose. Then A' is used to update the other views.


Starting with the rotation matrices about the three axes

我们可以看到很清晰地看出,对轴的旋转将影响8项中的 A 。因为, A 是对称的,这是减少到只有5变化出6项。缩放/拉伸也很容易做到。

we can see quite clearly that a rotation about the axes will effect 8 terms in A. Since, A is symmetric this is reduced to only changing 5 out of 6 terms. Scaling/stretching is also very easily done.

我们首先假设拉伸是沿x轴(或任何适当的轴),以使是一个对角矩阵,对角线{的sqrt(S),1,1} ,其中s是拉伸的施用量。然后调整矩阵旋转到应用程序的正确方向,即研究西塔 SR 西塔 ,其中西塔是在正x轴和以顺时针方式拉伸方向之间的夹角。注意旋转的相反顺序在这里,因为研究西塔 可以被认为是旋转坐标,以便取值绵延x轴和研究西塔 转回来。例如,如果在xy平面由第一个因素沿X = Y重新缩放,然后

We start by assuming that the stretch is along the x-axis (or any appropriate axis), so that S is a diagonal matrix with a diagonal {sqrt( s ), 1, 1}, where s is the amount of stretch applied. Then scaling matrix is rotated into the correct direction of application, i.e. R S R, where Theta is the angle between the positive x-axis and the stretch direction in a clockwise fashion. Note the reverse order of the rotations here, as R can be thought of as rotating the coordinates so that S stretches the x-axis and R rotates them back. For example, if the x-y plane is rescaled along x = y by a factor of s, then

取值用于 A 在相同的方式旋转,并再次,它是直截了当地看到所有,但ZZ条款直接受缩放操作。

S is applied to A in the same way as the rotations, and, again, it is straightforward to see that all but the zz terms are directly affected by the scaling operation.


08-31 01:48