本文介绍了AWS EC2 Auto Scaling组:我得到的是Min和Max,但是所需的实例限制是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当您在AWS EC2中设置Auto Scaling组时, Min Max 的界限似乎很有意义:

When you setup an Auto Scaling groups in AWS EC2 Min and Max bounds seem to make sense:

  • 根据策略缩减到的最小实例数

  • 要扩展的最大实例数取决于政策


However, I've never been able to wrap my head around what the heck Desired is intended to affect.

我一直只是将期望设置为等于 Min ,因为通常来说,我想向亚马逊支付最低的什一税,除非您需要一个实例来处理负载,否则它应为 Min 实例数。

I've always just set Desired equal to Min, because generally, I want to pay Amazon the minimum tithe possible, and unless you need an instance to handle load it should be at the Min number of instances.

我知道您是否使用 ElasticBeanstalk 并设置 Min 设为1, Max 设为2,则会将 Desired 设置为2(当然!)-您无法为所需的选择一个值。

I know if you use ElasticBeanstalk and set a Min to 1 and Max to 2 it sets a Desired to 2 (of course!)--you can't choose a value for Desired.

用例是什么?换成另一个所需实例数量及其有何不同?如果您希望AWS扩展规模小于您的所需(如果需要)大于 Min

What would be the use case for a different Desired number of instances and how does it differ? When you expect AWS to scale lower than your Desired if desired is larger than Min?



Here are the explanations for the "min, desired and max" values from AWS support:


DESIRED: If you trip a CloudWatch alarm for a scale up event, then it will notify the auto scaler to change it's desired to a specified higher amount and the auto scaler will start an instance/s to meet that number. If you trip a CloudWatch alarm to scale down, then it will change the auto scaler desired to a specified lower number and the auto scaler will terminate instance/s to get to that number.


MAX: This will be the maximum number of instances that you can run in your auto scale group. If your scale up CloudWatch alarm stays triggered, your auto scale group will never create instances more than the maximum amount specified.

这篇关于AWS EC2 Auto Scaling组:我得到的是Min和Max,但是所需的实例限制是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 02:52