

让我作为序言,我绝不是IT专业人员,因此非常感谢孩子们的手套和自尊心.我使用Azure备份来备份服务器的文件系统,文档数据库和悖论数据库.总而言之,我们是 谈论超过1 TB的数据.根据备份代理,我有3.5 TB的数据(同样,包括未备份项目在内的所有数据总计为1.1 TB),我目前正在运行每日备份,而在其中几乎达到了千兆字节. 从昨天开始仍然很忙.甚至没有人碰过服务器,但是自昨天以来,我的文件系统中有1gb的新数据吗?没有安装更新,甚至没有人登录.我缺乏了解这是如何发生的. 我有一个小型的小型企业服务器,如果发生灾难性崩溃,我希望能够将其还原,但是这种奢侈每月花费我230美元.我在保留策略中做错了什么吗?该策略正在创建同一副本的多个副本 数据?社区对此有何想法?如果是保留问题,是否有办法将我的备份数据精简到最近的10到30天左右,因为这项服务的成本和相当差的设计确实是领先 我只想转向消费级备份解决方案,因为这对我过去使用的备份解决方案来说似乎是一个非常差的选择.

Let me preface with, I am in no way an IT professional, so kid gloves and condescending are very much appreciated.  I use azure backup to backup my the file system of my server, a document database, and a paradox database.  All in all, we are talking a little over a terabyte of data.  According to backup agent I have 3.5 terabytes of data (again, in total all of my data including items that aren't backed up are 1.1TB) I am currently running a daily backup and I am almost a gigabyte in and still crunching since yesterday.  No one has even touched server, but yet my file system has 1gb in new data since yesterday?  No updates have been installed, no one has even logged onto it.  I lack the understanding to see how this is happening.  I have a tiny small business server that I would just like to be able to restore if I had a cataclysmic crash, but that luxury is costing me $230 a month.  Am I doing something wrong in my retention policy that is creating multiple copies of the same data?  Any thoughts from the community on how this is happening?  If it is a retention issue, is there a way to lean strip my backup data to just the last 10-30 days or so, because the costs of this service and rather poor design are really leading me towards just switching to a consumer grade backup solution, as this feels like a very poor alternative to any of those that I have used in the past.



Reducing the amount of Retention Policy points, and distance will help reduce costs by lowering the total backup data count. There's some great information on modifying and managing your Retention Policy here:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/backup/backup-azure-backup-faq#retention-policy-and-recovery-points

您还可以使用Azure定价计算器来计算费用,这将允许您修改保留策略设置: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/

You can also calculate costs by using the Azure Pricing Calculator, it will let you modify the Retention Policy Settings:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/


09-03 09:33