

Qt GUI应用程序如何在不同的进程中启动单独的GUI应用程序并管理其窗口?

How would a Qt GUI application start separate GUI applications in different processes and managed their windows?


Let's say I have a Qt application call myApp. The user is able to launch external application available on the OS from within myApp that run in their own separate process. I know about QProcess, but the difficult part that I haven't been able to figure out is managing the windows. myApp will need to have it's own title bars for windows and also be cross platform. If I launch an application, say the calculator on Windows, how do I get rid of the OS title bar and window frame with OS default one, and then how do I manage the position and geometry of that window?

更多详细信息:想法是能够通过添加以任何语言和任何GUI工具箱实现的新服务来扩展myApp(包括第三方).另外,如果服务崩溃,则不应影响myApp或其他服务.为了进行类比,假设在Visual Studio中,是否在C中实现了编辑器,在GTK中实现了GUI,在C ++中实现了调试器,并在Qt中实现了接口,等等,那么一切看起来都是一样的.

more details:The idea is to be able to extend myApp, including by 3rd parties, by adding new services that are implemented in any language and any GUI toolkit. Also, if a service crashes, it shouldn't affect myApp or other services. To use an analogy, imagine if in Visual Studio the editor was implemented in C and its GUI in GTK, the debuger in C++ and its interface in Qt, etc, and everything looked one piece.



From whatever I got from you question and from whatever Qt I know, Qt does not support to handle other application(like changing position). So you will have to handle applications on different platform differently. i.e. if your myApp is in windows and you run calculator program. Then you can use winApis to handle the calculator app like you can use SetWindowPos to set its pos, etc.


08-23 13:28