




绑定不匹配: DC 不是对 StringMap< T>类型的有界参数< T extends A> 的有效替代。

所以问题是,为什么这不仅起作用? DC 除了扩展 D< C> 外,并回显构造函数。为什么 StringMap 看到 DC 不同,当它只是一个子类时除外?


好​​的,重写了这个例子以更接近我实际做的事情。我测试了它,它确实会产生错误。我在这里做的是使用泛型类型来确保 clone()返回正确的类,以便在继承树中实现它。然后在子类中,我使用 B > 来确保 B的子类正在传递B的子类作为通用类型 T

 公共抽象类可撤消< T>实现可比< T> {
public abstract T clone();
public abstract void updateFields(T modified);

abstract public class A< T extends A< T,U>,U extends Comparable< U>>
扩展了可撤销< T> {
abstract U getKey();

public int compareTo(T element)
return getKey()。compareTo(element.getKey());

public class B< T extends B< T>>扩展A< T,String> {
public T clone()
// TODO自动生成的方法存根

public void updateFields(T modified)
// TODO自动生成的方法存根

String getKey()
// TODO自动生成的方法存根

public class C extends B< C> {


公共类D >扩展了A< D< T>,String> {
String getKey()
// TODO自动生成的方法存根

public D< T> clone()
// TODO自动生成方法存根

public void updateFields(D< T>修改过的)
// TODO自动生成的方法存根

public class DC extends D< C> {


public class StringMap< T extends Undoable< T>> {
HashMap< String,T> _elements;

$ b $ public class main {
public static void main(String [] args)
StringMap< D< C> > _thing = new StringMap< D< C>>(); //作品
StringMap< DC> _thing1 = new StringMap< DC>(); //错误
的有效替换//绑定参数< T extends Undoable< T>>类型StringMap< T>

$ b


$ b

  import java.util.HashMap; 

公共类Q {
class A {
class B {
class C扩展B {
class D< T扩展B>扩展A {

class StringMap< T extends A> {
HashMap< String,T> _elements;

class DC扩展D< C> {


class X {
StringMap< D< C>> thing1 = new StringMap< D< C>>(); //仍然正常工作
StringMap< DC> thing2 = new StringMap< DC>(); //没有错误!

尝试发布这样的课程来重现您的错误。 / p>

I'm working on a project that has an extensive tree of generic inheritance and dependencies. Go to edit to see better example.

Eclipse gives the error of

So the question is, why does this not just work? DC does nothing but extend D<C> and echo the constructors. Why does StringMap see DC as different when it is just a child class of something it excepts?

OK, reworked the example to be closer to what I'm actually doing. I tested it and it does produce the error. What I'm doing here is using the generic type to ensure that clone() returns the correct class for whoever implements it down the inheritance tree. Then in subclasses, I'm using B<T extends B<T>> to ensure that subclasses of B are passing in a subclass of B as the generic type T.

public abstract class Undoable<T> implements Comparable<T> {
  public abstract T clone();
  public abstract void updateFields(T modified);

abstract public class A<T extends A<T, U>, U extends Comparable<U>>
    extends Undoable<T> {
  abstract U getKey();

  public int compareTo(T element)
    return getKey().compareTo(element.getKey());

public class B<T extends B<T>> extends A<T, String> {
  public T clone()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public void updateFields(T modified)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  String getKey()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

public class C extends B<C> {


public class D<T extends B<T>> extends A<D<T>, String> {
  String getKey()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public D<T> clone()
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

  public void updateFields(D<T> modified)
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

public class DC extends D<C> {


public class StringMap<T extends Undoable<T>> {
  HashMap<String, T> _elements;


public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args)
    StringMap<D<C>> _thing = new StringMap<D<C>>(); //works
    StringMap<DC> _thing1 = new StringMap<DC>(); //error
//Bound mismatch: The type DC is not a valid substitute for
//the bounded parameter <T extends Undoable<T>> of the type StringMap<T>


You must be doing wrong something else as the following works fine:

import java.util.HashMap;

public class Q {
    class A {
    class B {
    class C extends B {
    class D<T extends B> extends A {

    class StringMap<T extends A> {
        HashMap<String, T> _elements;

    class DC extends D<C> {


    //and go to update X
    class X {
        StringMap<D<C>> thing1 = new StringMap<D<C>>(); // still works fine
        StringMap<DC> thing2 = new StringMap<DC>(); // NO error!!!

Try to post such a class reproducing your error.


09-03 05:17