本文介绍了JMeter:使用 Taurus 无法生成默认的 html 报告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



请注意,我还使用了属性输出"和 __P 函数:


最后在 YAML 文件中,我配置:

  • 输出:${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/
  • 报告使用的属性:

    • jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_satisfied_threshold:1000
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title:JMeter Taurus 演示
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity:1000
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter: ^(ClickNext|HP|scenario)(-success|-failure)?$


  • 输出:${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/


设置:环境:jmeter版本:r1839007执行:- 场景:现有并发:5保持:10s加速:3s场景:现存的:脚本:demo.jmx模块:jmeter:路径:~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter版本:${jmeterVersion}下载链接:https://ci.apache.org/projects/jmeter/nightlies/${jmeterVersion}/apache-jmeter-${jmeterVersion}.zip检测插件:假特性:jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_satisfied_threshold:1000jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title:JMeter Taurus 演示jmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity: 1000jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter: ^(ClickNext|HP|scenario)(-success|-failure)?$输出:${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/输出/服务:- 模块:shellexec后期过程:- ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter -p ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter.properties -q ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/jmeter-bzt.属性 -g ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/output.csv -o ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/folder报告:- 模块:最终统计- 模块:控制台

I am currently making a POC with Taurus tool.

In our company we use both JMeter and Gatling for now.

I was able to obtain in my tests the Gatling report without any complex configuration but it was not possible with JMeter to obtain its report.

Could anybody tell me:

  • if it is possible, and if so point me to how to do it ?
  • it it's not, why it's not available while it is for Gatling for example ?

The reason behind this request is that in our company :

  • we limit our test exposure to outside system to public internet sites
  • we want to historize internally the results across time
  • the JMeter HTML report contains very rich information that we need and use to analyze our tests
  • we don't want to be tied accross time to a commercial provider (Blazemeter here), as it appears the only way to get a report would be to use Blazemeter. We might subscribe to it but we don't want to be blocked due to unavailable reports.

I hope it is possible as if not it would be a NO-GO to using Taurus.


It seems that as of now (August 2018 Taurus 1.12.1) , it is not possible in a satisfying and simple way, based on my own tests and answers I got from project here:

Although it is partly possible as per @dmitri-t answer, it is not fully satisfying as there will be some missing information in report and you need to customize per platform which kinds of removes some simplification benefits of Taurus.But hopefully, there are chances it might be introduced in future versions.Maybe you can add a note on google group topic.

Edit on 23/08/2018:

This is the best way I found to have all the graphs generated, still it's not fully satisfying as Taurus overrides for an unknown reason the "Generate Parent Sampler" in Transaction Controller which is a problem for JMeter report:

Due to previous problem, with JMeter 4.0 a lot of graphs are empty, so I used a version that will be upcoming 5.0.

So I added a Simple Data Writer to the test plan.

Notice that I checked in Configure button all CSV fields needed for report:

Notice also I use a property "output" and __P function:

And finally in the YAML file, I configure:

  • output: ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/
  • Properties used by report:

    • jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_satisfied_threshold: 1000
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title: JMeter Taurus Demo
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity: 1000
    • jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter: ^(ClickNext|HP|scenario)(-success|-failure)?$

And my particular property "output":

  • output: ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/

I end up with:

     jmeterVersion: r1839007

- scenario: existing
  concurrency: 5
  hold-for: 10s
  ramp-up: 3s

    script: demo.jmx

    path: ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter
    version: ${jmeterVersion}
    download-link: https://ci.apache.org/projects/jmeter/nightlies/${jmeterVersion}/apache-jmeter-${jmeterVersion}.zip
    detect-plugins: false
      jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_satisfied_threshold: 1000
      jmeter.reportgenerator.report_title: JMeter Taurus Demo
      jmeter.reportgenerator.overall_granularity: 1000
      jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter: ^(ClickNext|HP|scenario)(-success|-failure)?$
      output: ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/

- module: shellexec
  - ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter -p ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus/${jmeterVersion}/bin/jmeter.properties -q ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/jmeter-bzt.properties -g ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/output/output.csv -o ${TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/folder

- module: final-stats
- module: console

这篇关于JMeter:使用 Taurus 无法生成默认的 html 报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-26 08:51