

我们在总公司的2个不同服务器上都有一个Windows Server 2003和ISA 2004。在Windows 2003服务器上,安装了Accounting软件。也安装在此服务器上的Go-Global应用程序。该应用程序帮助我们在另一个
城市的员工(通过他的PC上安装的Go-Global客户端)连接到Win 2003 Server并使用会计软件。 

We have a windows server 2003 and ISA 2004 both on 2 different servers in the Head office. On the windows 2003 server, our Accounting software is installed. Also installed on this server i Go-Global application. This application helps our staff in another city to connect (via the Go-Global client installed on his PC) to the Win 2003 Server and work on the Accounting software. 

当最初配置和工作时,使用ISA发布规则发布内部服务器(Win 2003 Sever)。由于Go-Global应用程序在端口491上进行通信,因此在配置过程中打开(TCP端口491 - 入站,
UDP 491 - 接收 - 发送)

When this was initially configure and working, the internal server (Win 2003 Sever) was published using the ISA publishing rule. Since the Go-Global app communicates on port 491, this was opened in the course of the configuration (TCP port 491 - inbound, UDP 491 - receive-send)

的新趋势是,当从远程客户端启动Go-Global应用程序时,Windows 2003 Server立即关闭。我之前没有注意到这一点,但我意识到应用程序第一次出现问题,我们的服务器在

This worked for over a year. About a month ago, our staff was not able to connect. I have reconfigured the ISA server publishing rule but no success yet. It gives an error that port 491 is not open when client try to access. The new trend that I have just noticed is that when the Go-Global app is launched from a remote client, the Windows 2003 Server shuts down immediately. i did not notice this earlier but I realized the first time the app had issues, our server had restarted several times in the process of finding a solution to the problem. 



Why is the remote PC not connecting via the Go-Global app to the Head office?


Secondly, how could launching a remote software that is meant to hit the ISA so as to have access to an internal server trigger that internal server to shutdown?





08-11 11:55