


Here's my application : the purpose is to add records based on errors (but not all errors will result in adding a new record, only the Main Errors).Every session has many errors, then an internal service will manage this errors to know which are the Main Errors (and which are the 'small' errors, I mean the implied or related or attached to this Main Error).



So I need your help and suggestions about my UML Diagram, do you think that is the best approach? do I really need the subclassing here (or maybe just putting two different classes Error and MainError would be better) ?

  • 因此每个主要错误都有其相关错误的列表
  • 一个主要错误不能成为另一个主要错误列表的一部分
  • 一个错误可能与许多主要错误相关联
  • 我正在使用JPA开发Java应用程序
  • 一条记录仅与一个MainError和显然很多错误相关(因为每个MainError都有一个错误列表)




I think the following diagram would satisfy and restate your requirements clearly.


  • 一个Session遇到零个或多个Errors
  • 在一个Session中遇到一个Error
  • Error必须是一个实例,并且只能是其子类之一("complete"表示实例必须是子类的实例;"disjoint"表示实例不能被多重分类,这在Java中是不可能的)无论如何.)
  • A Main Error导致零个或多个Subordinate Errors
  • Subordinate Error是由零个或多个Main Errors
  • 引起的
  • A Session encounters zero or more Errors
  • An Error is encountered in one Session
  • An Error must be an instance of one and only one of its subclasses ("complete" means an instance must be an instance of a subclass; "disjoint" means an instance cannot be multiply classified, which is impossible in Java anyway.)
  • A Main Error causes zero or more Subordinate Errors
  • A Subordinate Error is caused by zero or more Main Errors

暗含的是,每个Error最初都是作为Unclassified Error创建的,后来又分为Main ErrorSubordinate Error.

What is implied is that every Error is initially created as an Unclassified Error and later classified into either a Main Error or a Subordinate Error.


I didn't bother to model Record, as it is far too nebulous and adds nothing to the discussion.


If you were to implement this model, the association ends would undergo a name change that retains semantics while becoming normalLookingCamelCaseForJava. Here are the name changes:

  • encounters将变为encounteredErrors,并且类型为List<Error>
  • encountered in将成为类型Session
  • encounteringSession
  • causes将成为类型List<SubordinateError>
  • causedSubordinateErrors
  • caused by将成为类型为List<MainError>
  • causingMainErrors
  • encounters would become encounteredErrors and be of type List<Error>
  • encountered in would become encounteringSession of type Session
  • causes would become causedSubordinateErrors of type List<SubordinateError>
  • caused by would become causingMainErrors of type List<MainError>

在JPA中,您可以使用鉴别符将所有错误类映射到一个表,这将使重新分类的性能更高. (有关更改JPA中的实体类型,请参见更改实体类型请注意,您可能希望将多对多关联映射到单独的关系数据库表.不过,这是一个单独的讨论.

In JPA you could map all the error classes to one table with a discriminator, which will make the reclassification much more performant. (See changing entity type in JPA for an idea of how you might do so.) Note that you might want to map many-to-many associations to separate relational database tables. That's a separate discussion, though.


10-11 16:29