本文介绍了Rails Geocoder“未定义的方法错误”的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用alexreisner的Geocoder on rails 3.0,并且无法从Geocoder :: Results lib中调用方法。我深入了解Geocoder文档,但我无法完成一件简单的事情:从用户提交的地址中提取状态结果。因此,将加利福尼亚州旧金山123 Fake Street转变为CA或California。



  class Project< ActiveRecord :: Base 



reverse_geocoded_by:latitude,:longitude do | obj,geo |
obj.state = geo.state
obj.country_code = geo.country_code
obj.address = [geo.state,geo.country_code] .join(,)


但是这个变成了国家代码和地址的未定义错误方法。我不明白,因为Geocoder gem的文档明确提供了这些方法。我的模型似乎根本无法访问它们。 (根据记录,我的模型是能够拉纬度和经度从输入的地址,所以它似乎地理编码器的配置是否正确,而且方法geocoded_by的伟大工程。此外,它正确设置为谷歌API)。


感谢您的帮助! 在Geocoder网站上的例子,你会看到第二个赋予块的值似乎是一个数组或其他形式的集合,所以你不能直接调用它的方法。相反,您必须首先将正确的对象拉出来:

  reverse_geocoded_by:lat,:lon do | obj,results | 
如果geo = results.first
obj.city = geo.city
obj.zipcode = geo.postal_code
obj.country = geo.country_code

Another true newbie on Ruby here, so please be gentle...I'm working with alexreisner's Geocoder on rails 3.0 and am unable to call methods from the Geocoder::Results lib. I've pored over the Geocoder documentation, but I can't accomplish one simple thing: pull out a "state" result from a user-submitted address. So turn "123 Fake Street, San Francisco, CA" into "CA" or "California."

(My program will only use the "state" information for now to help determine results, but I'd like to have full address information to use at a later date when I refine the app, which is why I ask for a full address.)

I've set up my model via the best I have been able to gather from the documentation and other answers I've found here, but previous answers similar to this subject have not helped me:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :title, :address, :latitude, :longitude

  belongs_to :user

  geocoded_by :address
  after_validation :fetch_coordinates

  reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude do |obj, geo|
    obj.state = geo.state
    obj.country_code = geo.country_code
    obj.address = [geo.state, geo.country_code].join(",")
  after_validation :reverse_geocode


But this turns up an "undefined error method" for state, country code and address. I don't understand because the documentation for the Geocoder gem clearly provides these methods. My model seems simply unable to access them. (For the record, my model IS able to pull latitude and longitude from an entered address, so it does seem Geocoder is configured correctly. And the method "geocoded_by" works great. Furthermore, it is properly set to the Google API).

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something straightforward here. In the rails console, I'm even able to use Geocoder.search("Miami, FL") and pull all county, state and city information, but I just can't seem to extract "state" via my model.

Thanks for any help!


If you look at the examples on the Geocoder site, you'll see that the second value yielded to the block seems to be an array or some other form of collection, so you can't directly call the methods on it. Instead you first have to pull the right object out of it:

reverse_geocoded_by :lat, :lon do |obj,results|
  if geo = results.first
    obj.city    = geo.city
    obj.zipcode = geo.postal_code
    obj.country = geo.country_code

这篇关于Rails Geocoder“未定义的方法错误”的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-11 09:38