




I provide SSL pages on my web server, and I have a question.What is the difference between SSLCACertificateFile and SSLCertificateChainFile?


When I use SSLCertificateChainFile, I got warnings from Japanese cellular phone browser, but when I use PC browser(like IE, FF), there was no problem.On the other hand, SSLCACertificateFile didn't cause any problem for both browsers.


Is there any difference when browsers connect to apache?


SSLCertificateChainFile是一个正确的选择,但此指令已成为从Apache 2.4.8起已过时.此指令导致列出的文件与证书一起发送到所有连接的客户端.

SSLCertificateChainFile was a correct option to choose but this directive became obsolete as of Apache 2.4.8. This directive caused the listed file to be sent along with the certificate to any clients that connect.

SSLCACertificateFile (以下简称"CACert")取代了SSLCertificateChainFile( (以下简称链"),并另外允许使用相关证书来签署客户证书.这种身份验证非常罕见(至少目前是这样),如果您不使用它,恕我直言,没有理由通过使用CACert而不是Chain来增强其功能.另一方面,有人可能会说附加功能没有危害,并且CACert涵盖了所有情况.这两个参数都有效.

SSLCACertificateFile (hereafter "CACert") supersedes SSLCertificateChainFile (hereafter "Chain"), and additionally permits the use of the cert in question to sign client certificates. This sort of authentication is quite rare (at least for the moment), and if you aren't using it, there's IMHO no reason to augment its functionality by using CACert instead of Chain. On the flipside, one could argue that there's no harm in the additional functionality, and CACert covers all cases. Both arguments are valid.

不用说,如果您要求证书供应商,他们将始终推动CACert over Chain,因为这会给他们另外一件事(客户证书),他们有可能将您直接出售给您. ;)

Needless to say, if you ask the cert vendor, they'll always push for CACert over Chain, since it gives them another thing (client certs) that they can potentially sell you down the line. ;)


09-22 03:00