

我有元素可以反映不同的状态,由用户(:hover :focus 等等)或由服务器操纵( data-status =finished disabled 等)。



 < section& 
< div>元素1< / div>
< div data-status =finished>元素2< / div>
< div>元素3< / div>
< / section>
< section>
< div>元素4< / div>
< div class =blink>元素5< / div>
< div>元素4< / div>
< div>元素4< / div>
< div class =spin>元素4< / div>
< / section>




  div [data-status〜= finished]:affect(.blink,.spin)




是取决于三个条件: / p>

  1. 这些元素的状态是否可以使用简单选择器表示,

  2. 使用组合器形成单个复杂选择器,并在

  3. 之间表示这两个元素之间是否可以将要定位的元素作为结果复杂选择器。



选择器的定义特性是它表示文档树中一个或多个元素的某个结构。这不仅仅是我编写的内容 - 您可以在:

的一个或多个简单选择器。这个序列称为复合选择器(我使用Selectors 4的术语,因为它比选择器3中使用的更清晰 - 参见。


  • 第一个元素是 div [data-status〜= finished] 。这是使用:

      div [data-status〜= finished] 

  • 第二个 紧跟在第一个之后作为其兄弟。这是使用:


  • 此外,第二个部分 code> .blink .spin 。这可以使用两个选择器来表示,每个孩子一个:

      section + section> .blink,
    section + section> .spin

    为什么需要两个选择器?在这种情况下,主要是因为目前没有语法,因此您必须单独表示每个子元素。即将到来的Selectors 4标准引入了:matches()伪类,它将提供这种非常小的分组功能:

      section + section> :matches(.blink,.spin)

现在,由于复杂选择器中的每个复合选择器代表一个元素,因此 section + section 表示两个元素是兄弟元素, section> div 表示父级和子级, section + section> div 表示下一个同级的子级,你会认为父组合器和前级兄弟组合器是相当冗余的。那么为什么我们通常会遇到这些问题:



始终由最右边的复合选择器表示。例如,选择器 section + section> div 表示三个元素,其中 div 是主题。您可能会说, div 已选择已定位

在CSS规则中,样式应用于由选择器主题表示的元素。任何子框和伪元素框在适当的情况下继承此元素的样式。 (例外是如果选择器的主体包括伪元素,在这种情况下,样式只能直接应用于伪元素。)


  • div [data-status〜= finished] is div [data-status〜= finished]

  • section + section 的主题是第二 选择器。

  • 节+节> .blink,section + section> .spin 分别是 .blink .spin

  • 使用:matches(),主题为 section + section& :matches(.blink,.spin):matches(.blink,.spin)

    • 因此,我们可能需要一个父选择器或前一个同级选择器。但请记住,选择器可以表示复杂的结构。





      但是,最近删除了主题标识符,有利于:has()伪类href =http://api.jquery.com/has-selector =nofollow>通过jQuery )。我推测的可能原因:

      所以当你不能改变选择器的主题时,:has()会完全注销这样做,由于其伪类的性质。最好的部分是,它这样做 - 然后一些 - 所有没有根本改变选择器语法。

      事实上,可以使用Selectors 4的:has()

        / *结合:matches()从上面的例子* / 
      section:has(> div [data-status〜= finished])+ section> div:matches(.blink,.spin)


      由于:has()来自jQuery,您可以今天使用,虽然:matches()还不存在,必须替换为 .filter()

        $('section:has(> div [data-status〜= finished])+ section> div').filter('。blink,.spin').css('color','红色');  
       < script src = //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"> ;</script><section> < div>元素1< / div> < div data-status =finished>元素2< / div> < div>元素3< / div>< / section>< section> < div>元素4< / div> < div class =blink>元素5< / div> < div>元素4< / div> < div>元素4< / div> < div class =spin>元素4< / div> ...< / section>  

      它还将允许您不仅目标元素不具有相同的父,而且还包括完全不相关的元素,包括在文档树中的位置可能彼此不同的元素。这将有效地消除上述条件#2,虽然这样做伴随着我将在一秒钟内得到的一个主要警告。例如,如果我们假设有问题的 div 元素可能出现在彼此之间没有结构关系的任何地方,:has()允许您执行:

       :root:has(div [data-status〜= finished])div:matches (.blink,.spin)

      ...找到 div.blink ,在文档树中的任何地方中存在 div [data-status〜= finished] 时,div.spin 元素必须是文档根元素的后代。



      ,CSSWG有来测试有限的变体, code>:has()(例如,使用单个子组合器或同级组合器)来查看它们是否可以实现得足够好以包含在CSS中,这将满足 vast



      I have elements that can reflect different states, either triggered by the user (:hover, :focus, etc.) or manipulated by the server (data-status="finished", disabled, etc.).

      I can target the element that has a changed state, but I can't seem to find a way to target other elements in the DOM based on the state of the element in question.


          <div>Element 1</div>
          <div data-status="finished">Element 2</div>
          <div>Element 3</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div class="blink">Element 5</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div class="spin">Element 4</div>

      or just render the elements with proper styles server-side.

      Is there a CSS selector that would let me specify which elements should get selected based on the target element's state?

      Something like:

      div[data-status~=finished]:affect(.blink, .spin)

      that would allow me to also target elements that don't have the same parent with CSS only?


      The general answer to the canonical question

      is that it depends on exactly three conditions:

      1. whether the state of these elements can be represented using simple selectors,
      2. whether a structural relationship can be expressed between these two elements using combinators to form a single complex selector, and
      3. whether the element that you want to target can be made the subject of the resulting complex selector.

      While the current Selectors standard has some interesting and sometimes potentially powerful features, the way it is designed makes it extremely limited in area #2 (with #3 being a direct consequence). Some of these limited possibilities are enumerated in other answers, e.g. through the most basic use of child and sibling combinators, clever use of dynamic pseudo-classes (which actually relates to condition #1), or a combination of both.

      The problem given in the question, on the other hand, cannot be solved using what is currently available in Selectors for this reason. Most of this boils down to the lack of either a parent selector and/or a previous sibling selector, both of which may seem like trivial features, but have certain implications that make them difficult to define or implement well. In summary:

      1. Yes, the state of these elements can be represented using simple selectors: div and [data-status~=finished] for the former, and .blink and .spin for the latter two.

      2. The first element can be represented by section > div[data-status~=finished], and the two subject elements can be represented by section + section > .blink and section + section > .spin respectively. The problem is that it's not possible to write a complex selector incorporating all of these structures, because combinators are one-way, and there is no parent counterpart to the child combinator to join them at the first section element.

      3. Assuming the answer to the first two questions is also "yes", each of .blink and .spin can be made the subject of its own complex selector. (But more on that in the next section.)

      If you've been directed to this question, chances are the problem you're trying to solve, like the one given above, cannot be solved with Selectors due to these limitations.

      The upcoming standard boasts some new features that will greatly enrich selector syntax and potentially open it (and CSS) up to a host of new possibilities, including a possible solution to the example problem. All of these things will be covered in the following sections, but first I'll explain what each condition means and how it relates to the given example:

      Element states, and structural relationships between elements

      The defining characteristic of a selector is that it represents a certain structure of one or more elements in the document tree. This isn't just something I made up — you can actually find this description in the informative overview of the Selectors standard:

      Each element is represented by a sequence of one or more simple selectors. This sequence is known as a compound selector (I'm using terminology from Selectors 4 here as it is much clearer than what is used in Selectors 3 — see this answer for a non-exhaustive list of terms).

      Each simple selector represents a certain state of an element. There are simple selectors for matching the type (or tag name) of an element, a class name, an ID, or an arbitrary attribute. There are also pseudo-classes, which represent abstractions and other special states not directly represented within the document tree, such as the order and position of an element in its hierarchy (:nth-child(), :nth-of-type()), user interactions (:hover, :active, :focus, :checked), the visitedness of a hyperlink (:link, :visited), and much more.

      In the given example, the div element with a data-status attribute whose space-delimited value contains finished can be represented with a type selector and an attribute selector:


      If you want the selector to apply only when the pointer is over this element, simply throw in a :hover pseudo-class:


      Compound selectors are linked via combinators to form complex selectors. These combinators, the >, + and ~ symbols that you may be familiar with, express a relationship between the elements represented by each compound selector. With these two tools alone, you're already able to create some very interesting results as shown in the other answers here. I explain these basics in even further depth in this answer.

      In the given example, the following structural relationships can be established:

      • The first section element is the parent of div[data-status~=finished]. This is represented using the child combinator >:

        section > div[data-status~=finished]

      • The second section immediately follows the first one as its sibling. This is represented using the adjacent sibling combinator +:

        section + section

      • Additionally, the second section is the parent of both .blink and .spin. This can be represented using two selectors, one for each child:

        section + section > .blink,
        section + section > .spin

        Why are two selectors required? In this case it's mainly because there is currently no syntax for subgrouping two compound selectors into one, so you will have to represent each child element separately. The upcoming Selectors 4 standard introduces a :matches() pseudo-class that will provide this very subgrouping functionality:

        section + section > :matches(.blink, .spin)

      Now, since every compound selector in a complex selector represents one element, and thus section + section represents two elements that are siblings, section > div represents a parent and a child, and section + section > div represents a child of a next-sibling, you would think that a parent combinator and a previous-sibling combinator are quite redundant. So why do we commonly get these questions:

      And, more importantly, why is the answer to both of these questions no? The reason is addressed in the next point:

      Subject of a selector

      The subject of a selector is always represented by the rightmost compound selector. For example, the selector section + section > div represents three elements, of which div is the subject. You might say that the div is selected, or targeted, as in the question, but if you've ever wondered if there was a proper term, it's known as the subject of the selector.

      In a CSS rule, styles are applied to the element represented by the subject of the selector. Any child boxes and pseudo-element boxes inherit the styles from this element where appropriate. (The exception is if the subject of the selector includes a pseudo-element, in which case the styles are applied directly to the pseudo-element only.)

      Taking the selectors from the previous section, we have the following:

      • The subject of section > div[data-status~=finished] is div[data-status~=finished].
      • The subject of section + section is the second section selector.
      • The subjects of section + section > .blink, section + section > .spin are .blink and .spin respectively.
      • Using :matches(), the subject of section + section > :matches(.blink, .spin) is :matches(.blink, .spin).

      It might seem therefore that we do need a parent selector or a previous-sibling selector. But remember that selectors can already represent complex structures. Instead of simply adding new combinators that work opposite of existing ones, it makes sense to seek out a more flexible solution, and that is exactly what the CSSWG has been doing.

      Which brings us to the following from the original question:

      The answer to this is no, and will remain no. However, in the earlier drafts of Selectors 4 (from the FPWD up to the latest working draft from May 2013), there was a proposal for a new feature that would let you pick any of the compound selectors other than the rightmost one, and designate that as the subject of the selector.

      A potential solution

      However, the subject indicator was recently removed in favor of the :has() pseudo-class (that was in turn adopted from jQuery). I speculate on a likely reason here:

      So while you cannot change the subject of a selector, :has() will completely write off the need to do so, due to its pseudo-class nature. And the best part is that it does this — and then some — all without fundamentally changing selector syntax.

      In fact, the example problem can be solved using Selectors 4's :has():

      /* Combined with the :matches() example from above */
      section:has(> div[data-status~=finished]) + section > div:matches(.blink, .spin)

      Notice the use of a child combinator: this scopes the relative selector argument to just children of the first section. Yes, this is the elusive "parent selector" that Web developers the world over have been wanting for years.

      And since :has() comes from jQuery, you can use it today, although :matches() doesn't exist yet so you'll have to replace that with a call to .filter() in the meantime:

      $('section:has(> div[data-status~=finished]) + section > div')
          .filter('.blink, .spin')
          .css('color', 'red');
      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
          <div>Element 1</div>
          <div data-status="finished">Element 2</div>
          <div>Element 3</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div class="blink">Element 5</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div>Element 4</div>
          <div class="spin">Element 4</div>

      It's so versatile, that it will also allow you to not only "target elements that don't have the same parent", but also elements that are completely unrelated, including elements whose positions in the document tree may vary irrespective of one another. This will effectively eliminate condition #2 above, although doing so comes with a major caveat which I'll get to in a second. For example, if we assume that the div elements in question may appear anywhere with no structural relation to one another, :has() allows you to do:

      :root:has(div[data-status~=finished]) div:matches(.blink, .spin)

      ... which finds div.blink, div.spin when div[data-status~=finished] exists anywhere in the document tree, since any element in the document tree must be a descendant of the document root element.

      Now, the caveat that I mentioned, is that using arbitrary complex selectors with :has() can have serious performance implications, which is why for the longest time parent selectors were never implemented, and both the subject indicator and :has() have not been implemented yet. The latter two in particular are problematic because the "rightmost compound selector" definition serves as the basis of mainstream CSS selector engines, and these two features seek to challenge it altogether.

      This is also why :has() is tentatively excluded from the fast profile and may therefore not be usable in CSS, as it requires real-time selector matching during page rendering, a situation that is undeniably performance-critical. It will still be accessible through the DOM methods querySelector(), querySelectorAll() and matches() (and any selector libraries that happen to make use of them), however.

      That said, the CSSWG has plans to test limited variations of :has() (e.g. with a single child combinator or sibling combinator) to see if they can be implemented well enough to be included in CSS, which will fulfill the vast majority of use cases, including the first example above.


      Unfortunately, CSS selector syntax remains extremely limited today; however, new proposals to the standard are set to bring powerful new possibilities, and a handful of these additions are based on features that selector libraries such as jQuery already offer. Here's hoping that implementations will support these new features for use in CSS.


07-22 12:54